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Blessed B
on 5/5/07 2:44 pm
Topic: Saturday check-in
Hello, Well I didn't do as well as I wanted today but I'm going to take things one day at a time and I know that my sugar and food addiction isn't going to go away in a day, a week, a month. All I can do is try. Today started off pretty good. I got up and walked 2 miles on the treadmill and rode 10 miles on the stationary bike. I also was motivated to clean up the house a bit too. I got a new car today..didn't expect to buy a new car. I went for an oil change. Well...the place had small bags of popcorn..I didn't eat breakfast, so I had a small bag of popcorn. Then, the Owner had a birthday cake there. My husband brought a piece to the table..I had a few bites but I proud of myself for not eating a whole piece to myself. I could have eaten a whole piece and then some. BUT I DIDN'T. My question to you is this..How can you stop people from encouraging you to eat? It's hard to say no, at least for me it is. Breakfast...small bag of popcorn and a few small bites of cake Lunch.....a cup of chicken chili..from Chili's YUMMMY and a few bites of salad Snack....we went to an idoor football game and I had a small bag of cinnamon almonds *not a real good choice but it was better than a filled pretzel and some nachos..I wasn't hungry but again wanted some because everyone else wanted and was eating them. Dinner..a few bites of a plain cheeseburger...was hungry Snack..small ice cream cone from Mcdonalds...was going to get a McFlury with M&M's but I didn't. Things don't look so good when I write them down. However, I could have eaten alot more and alot worse things today.I'm going to try it again tomorrow and work on things meal by meal. I was good for dinner though....My husband went through the drive thru at Taco Bell and he asked me about three times if I wanted something..or why don't you get this or get that. It was hard for me to say no but I didn't get a burrito like I wanted or an enchirito. One step at a time I guess is what it is all about. Hopefully we can encourage more people to join us here ;) I'll post again tomorrow Take care! Bridgett
Blessed B
on 5/5/07 2:29 pm
Topic: RE: Anyone interested?
Lets do this!! I hope therapy works for you. I went for awhile and it did me some good but then like anything else, I quit going. Let me know how it goes for you Rebecca...sending well wishes your way! Bridgett
on 5/5/07 1:28 am - Lexington, OH
Topic: RE: Anyone interested?
Sign me up! I'm totally battling this addiction and I'm losing badly right now! Lets see- yesterday I ate... breakfast- cranberry scone and bottle of Frappucino snack #1- shortbread cookies snack #2- chocolate chip cookies (I love to bake, can you tell??) lunch- stuffed shell leftover from night before, few more cookies snack #3- cookies snack #4- cookies again dinner- half tub of large popcorn at the movies, small Dr Pepper snack #5- snickers bar, the WHOLE thing snack #6, #7...- cookies cookies cookies- even had one at 3am when I got up to get the baby some milk! At least I got my vitamins in, and I drink diet green tea all day long, so I'm getting my liquids...... I was 127 for a week and I've been creeping up slowly since then, now I'm at 142! I'm freaking out, my size 4s are tight, cant wear them with a fitted shirt anymore because my "muffin top" shows too much. I am NOT going to screw this up, I just cant control myself anymore. I'm going to start therapy, supposed to have my first appt this coming Wednesday but my son has an appt and mine will have to get rescheduled..... All I want to do is sleep and when it's time for bed I lay there and watch the clock. So yes, I'm all for a support group! Thanks for suggesting it, I'm sure we're not the only ones that need it! Rebecca
Blessed B
on 5/4/07 10:14 am
Topic: Anyone interested?
Hello everybody! I was reading Lisa's post about support groups. You know something, I've only been able to attend one and that was shortly after surgery. I've wanted to go to one and I think it would be so beneficial..but my work schedule doesn't allow me to go either. I've really been strugggling lately with my diet. I've noticed that I'm eating more, more often and eating bad things. Getting my exercise on a daily basis has been cut short to maybe once or twice a week right now. I also still have my insomnia and have been battling that also. I'm on ambien CR right now and it works so so. I think my body just metabolizes things quick and that's why the other things that I've tried hasn't worked. I'm also coming to the realization that this insomnia is my "side effect" of the surgery since I've had it since October 2005. Bottom line here if anyone is reading...Is there anyone interested in starting our own support group here and sticking to it? Even if it is to check in once a week or even daily for someone like me to keep each other in check and be here for each other. I don't know about you guys but I have no one who I can talk except for here who can understand what I'm going through. I tried Overeaters Anonymous during the summer and that wasn't quite what I was looking for. However, I don't want to keep up these bad habits but it's hard when everyone around you is encouraging you to eat and they themselves are also indulging. For me, it's not about's about food addiction and I know it's always going to be there no matter what I do. I didn't go through all of this to gain back my weight and live an unhealthy lifestyle and life. So far I've been lucky I've been maintaining for a long time..but I did put on 10 pounds because I felt really sick when I dropped below 156lbs but I don't want to see the scale go up and up and up. Here's an example of what I ate yesterday~ BAD BAD BAD *glass of skim milk for vitamins down *donuts...2 of them within an hour of each other..they were out on the counter at work. I was offered one and then I went and ate another one simply because it was there and I wanted some sugar *cheese stick for snack *luna bar for lunch *piece of german chocolate workers birthday and was served a slice and I picked at it for a few hours but eventually ate it and I wasn't hungry *luna bar for snack and piece of cheese...felt hungry *chips and salsa dunno how much but I picked over that for awhile *got home we went to dinner....11pm had some garlic cheese bread, chicken wings and a few chicken nachos...wasn't hungry but ate just because *went to midnight showing of spiderman 3..split some popcorn and dots candy..wasn't hungry but was eating because it was there *no workout at all...decided to just lay in bed because I felt tired then felt guilty later on because I could have gotten a half hour workout in. I know that this is bad but I need to get a handle on this. It is all just a vicious cycle. Work is a very hard place for me to stay away from food. Being with my husband is hard too because he likes to eat as well and not very healthy things. Not excuses..just problem areas that I need help with. When I'm by myself and I don't have bad things in the house I am fine. I've started today to try and give myself a fresh start. *I worked out at the gym for an hour and a half workout..with the eliptical machine and did the weight machines...I've noticed that when I do workout that I'm not hungry and I'm reaching for healthy things to eat instead of crap *meals today....working on a naked chicken burrito from Qdobas...NO GUACAMOLE today (comes in a bowl with rice,beans,grilled chicken, salsa and cheese) So far this has sustained me from being hungry..just a few bites here and there. *got my water in as well *took my vitamins All of this I know is just mental and not physical. 99% of the time I'm not hungry. Anyways, I suppose I'll stop here. I hope that all are you are doing well with your progress and aren't in the beginnings of a downwards spiral like me. But seriously, I am vowing to get a handle on it. Take care! Bridgett
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/07 11:08 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Topic: RE: Happy May
Hi, Lisa J.! I check in here every day, but there's almost no activity any more. It's hard to lose at this point - I really have to work hard to keep losing, and some days/weeks I'm more successful than others. I've lost 185 pounds so far, but need to lose another 30-40 to get close to my goal. I think I'll lose between 7-15 pounds when I have plastic surgery to get rid of my excess skin, so am not pushing to hit a "normal" weight before I start looking into plastics. I haven't been to a support group either. I check in at this site every day and have a few forums that I visit regularly. I find the support here very helpful, and don't feel like I'm missing anything by not attending support group meetings. Best of luck for continuing success and happiness! Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/07 11:05 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Topic: RE: Hey
Hi, Mary. This forum is very quiet these days. I'm glad to hear you are doing well and maintaining. I've lost 185 pounds so far, and have another 30-40 to go to get near my goal. My health is great and I'm loving life. Best wishes to you for continued success and happiness! Kellie
Mary T.
on 5/2/07 11:07 am - Keeling, VA
Topic: Hey
Hey everyone Its how been a long time since I have been on here. How is everyone doing?????? We have moved. I am living in Virginia now. I have been doing good. I am now staying at about 145. I am very happy. Living a great life. Hope all is going well for all of you. Take care Love Mary Thurman
on 5/1/07 12:45 pm - Sharon, MA
Topic: Happy May
Happy May all, I've been bad with this site. I said I'd check in often, but I haven't. I will now that my computer is up and running well. Still stuck at 184 and can't seem to get lower no matter what I do. Oh well , I guess it beats putting on weight although at times it feels like I have. I have yet to go to a support group meeting as I work 10am-6:30pm and the meetings start at 6pm. Maybe one day I will get to go. Hope all is well. I will write soon. Lisa J. in Mass
on 5/1/07 3:18 am - Killeen, TX
RNY on 10/04/05 with
Topic: RE: Birth Control Question
I had the ortha evra patch and WAS very happy with it for 18 months- then I got pregnant. Nothing's foolproof.
on 5/1/07 3:16 am - Killeen, TX
RNY on 10/04/05 with
Topic: RE: How are we doing at 17 months out?
Hey Everyone- Sorry I don't get online all that much- school has been going nuts this semster. So how am I? I started this whole thing hovering around 280 and am usually down to 135-140. At least, that was until I turned up PREGNANT. Yep- I am 8 weeks pregnant, holding at 138 for now. Not so worried about the weight as I am about baby development. I honestly was on my patches (like Dr. F. told me to!) but somehow...well, we all no nothing is foolprrof except abstinence. Husband is over the moon but a little worried. Daughter is taking it in stride so far, but I expect we;ll have the "sibling rivalry" stuff sooner or later. I remember what it's like to all of a sudden hear there will be a new baby. So, this is plain weird. Queasy all the time- I try to eat, but not much wants to go in and stay there. LOTS of soups, protein shakes are tolerated well (especially Elite Mint Chocolate, but only hot) and as much other stuff as I can eat. Al total? Probably less than 1000 calories a day. But that should change soon. I hope ya'll are doing well! I wouldn't change a thing. Rachael
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