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Topic: RE: Back after a long while
Congrats on your son! I wish you good luck with your police officer job..if you ever need or want to talk about that just let me know..been one for 8 years. I've still been trying to get back on track. I am good with the exercise but bad with the food issues. I wish you the best

Revision on 05/01/14
Topic: Back after a long while
Hi fellow Octoberites! I've been gone a long time and struggling with weight issues during my recent pregnancy. I only gained 8 pounds during, and I lost 23 immediately after I had my perfect boy , but I have been having a hard time staying on track. The last couple of days I have recommitted myself to getting it together, protein first, lots of water, exercise, etc. I am currently in the running for a job as a police officer and need to be in good shape to pass the physical, which is coming up soon. I have lost 160 pounds, and still have about 50 to go to be at my goal. I know I can do this dammit! I hopoe everyone here is doing fabulously in their own journeys. I definitely need to spend some more time here and in a f2f support group as well. I really need the support from people who truly understand wls and all that goes along with it. Have a great weekend everyone

Topic: I am a before and after poster child
I am so excited. Over 2 years ago this was my inspiration. I loved the before and after pictures. I would spend hours finding someone who weighed what I did and getting so excited to see how well they have done. I am now one of those pictures.
Now it seems so real. I still worry that the fairytale will end one morning but today
I feel like I have come full circle.
Topic: Happy Mother's Day :)
Just wanted to wish those of you who are Moms a Happy Mother's Day! Hopefully you all did something fun today!
Those of you who are joining me here for support, how are all of you doing so far? I've been staying ontrack with the exercising but the food part is still an everyday battle!! I'm thinking maybe I should post once a week? What do you you all think?
Topic: RE: Thursday Thursday
Hi, Greeley Girl! I've been reviewing your dailys posts and wanted to give you an 'atta girl for continuing to work on your food issues. Mindless eating is definitely a struggle for many of us, so kudos to you for focusing your time and energy on addressing that issue.
I've discovered that when I plan out my food for the day, including snacks, I do a better job of not eating mindlessly. I eat 6-7 times per day -- breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, sometimes a 2nd snack, dinner, bedtime snack -- this schedule helps me because I'm eating every 2-3 hours. If I know I've got a snack or a meal coming in the next hour or so, it's easier to pass on the stuff I shouldn't eat. I'm not sure if this would work for your schedule, but I've found it very helpful.
Anyway, just wanted you to know someone is paying attention. Good luck on your efforts - I'll try to chime in again in a few days. Have a great weekend!
Lap RNY 10/25/2005
Topic: Thursday Thursday
I'm glad it's Thursday because it's actually my Friday at work!! YAY me. It's been a rough week at work and when it's rough, what do I reach for? Food. I'm looking forward to my days off. It's 341am and I've got the alarm set to get up before work and get my workout in. The exercise has been a little hard for me to get up and go but once I'm up it's all good. The food part is difficult but tomorrow is another day and another day to choose. All I can do is try. I found a pretty good The title says it all doesn't it? That's a very good description of what I've been doing. I just have to laugh..sorry.
Anyways, I haven't planned out my meals for tomorrow but I have a good idea of what I'll be having since I haven't gone to the grocery store like I had planned....Here's my choices...chicken,chicken or chicken. Oatmeal, Oatmeal or Oatmeal...protein bar, protein bar or protein bar..milk and eggs. I'm pretty boring. I did have a bag of beef jerkey hidden in the cupboard but I think my husband ate it
Wishes for a great day!

Topic: RE: Wednesday and I'm not giving up
Mary Anne,
Hey there! Sounds like you did pretty good today
Don't feel bad, the cookie monster got me too as well. One of my coworkers got those nutter butter cookies and I had two of them. All it takes for me is just the smell of them then it's over. I ate mine fast too without even thinking about it. I'm having trouble with the sugary/salty cravings right now. I'm planning on making some of those chocolate/peanut butter protein balls tomorrow and see if that helps. Plus, I also had a small snack sized bag of lays chips. I didn't eat all of my protein either
My piece of chicken is still in the tub. It just didn't sound appealing at all and it made me nauseated to even think about eating it. So instead of chicken for dinner, I had oatmeal. Your chicken cordon blue sounds yummy though. Your orangeade, is that tropicanas brand? That is some good stuff my favorite. I also like the minute made sf cherry limeade.
Good job on your workouts!! I got up early and walked 2 miles also and then rode 15 miles on the stationary bike. No wonder I'm so tired lol.
Hope you have a great day!

Topic: RE: Wednesday and I'm not giving up
So glad that you replied! I applaud you for your success with this and it sounds like you are doing great!!I would never be offended by someone's 2 cents
I found your post to be helpful and it did make sense. It's a viscious cycle I keep going through and I know I'm not on a "diet". It's that little voice on my shoulder saying...just eat it and then the other side is saying nooooooo don't eat it, it's crap and it's not good for you.Then when I do eat the bad stuff I feel so guilty and I focus on that pretty much all day. I'm still a slave to the scale and that sucks too. I weigh myself everyday and sometimes twice a day. I've tried to hide the scale but then I just dig it out of the closet again or weigh myself at work or where ever.I know it's just a number. When I ate the crap yesterday, I worked out extra long and made sure I burned the calories I ate off. My main concern is if I do indulge myself and get used to indulging instead of depriving a little bit is that I'm going to gain my weight back, my diabetes and other health problems and that scares me to death!!
I'd love to hear more about your experience and even chat.
Take care and thanks!

Topic: RE: Wednesday and I'm not giving up
You are doing so good- I'm keeping you in mind the rest of the day. Because even though I made a bad choice, I'm getting back on track right now - not tomorrow, not Monday, but right now. I think that's the key - fall off the horse, get right back on.
Started off good this morning... I did not go to the drug store on the way into work like I normally do. Therefore no snacks in my drawer at work other than the jerky.
So here's what I've eaten today:
Breakfast - Yogurt. I was going to add unflavored protein powder, but realized I didn't have any at work.
Snack - some jerky
Lunch - the chicken, dried cranberries and 1/2 dressing packet off an Arbys Salad. did not use the almonds or eat the lettuce. Did eat some of the pieces of apples.
1 can SF orangeade
1 med. diet pepsi
Then here the "no-no"- 2 (yes that is 2, not 1) cookies. Chocolate chip delivered to the office from a local title company. Why did I do it? I ate them so fast I didn't even taste them. NOT worth it!
So dinner tonight is going to be Chicken Cordon Blue - (It a frozen chicken breast with ham and cheese).
I am planning on exercising - tonight is Abs (12min) Arms (12min) Butt's and Thights (12 min each). It's hot out and my room that I do this in will be about 100 degrees, so I'll be sweating!
Last night did 12 min abs and walked 2 miles.