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Topic: RE: Hello everyone!
Congrats on your success. It is amazing how much life has changed for all of us. I have lost almost 130 pounds and still have probably another 30 to go before goal. Although if I didnt lose another pound I would be thrilled too. I have not weighed under 200 since 3rd grade so I am estatic. Keep up the great work and you will be at goal before you know it. =)
Topic: Hello everyone!
I know it's been a long time since I have last posted! I had moved to Florida in October 2006 and I have been here ever since! It diidn't work out with my boyfriend of 11 years, I guess I was losing too much weight for him!
Topic: Hello everyone!
Just checking in, haven't posted in quite awhile. How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is healthy and living everday to the fullest. I have lost a total of 124 pounds and feel great. I have not reached goal, need to loose another 20 pounds but am satisfied completely at this point.
Topic: RE: Hey it has been a while
Yes it is awesome to be able to shop in regular sizes. I feel like I belong there now and not someone lost or something. I have not reached goal yet either but if I dont lose another pound I would be happy. I have my health and my life back and that is the most important thing to me. I have lost 67% of my excess weight which is considered a successful surgery by my docs standards so I am happy for that as well. i would like to lose another 30 pounds or so but hey if I do I do and if I dont I dont. i am not worrying about it. =) Congratulations on your success as well. As my surgeon says, "Glad to see this surgery doesn't work" As he says it with a huge smile.

Topic: RE: Hey it has been a while
Jane- Thanks _Yeah it is pretty cool to see the extreme changes in everyone. Everyone just looks awesome.
Topic: RE: Hey it has been a while
Isn't it great to be able to go into a department store and get into regular sizes. I sometimes find myself going to the plus size and then realizing I can't wear that size anymore. I am in a size 12 now and am so thanklful for the surgery. I have not reached goal but am satisfied.
Topic: RE: Bummed
Sorry you are experiencing tension headaches. I hope the medicine they gave you helps.
Try not to get so down about gaining 2 pounds. I have been playing with the same 5 pounds for the past 6 months up and down. My surgeon is not concerned either. He just keeps saying remember where you were and how far you have come. Your weight loss is a total success by the definition of the surgery. Keep you chin up. =)
Topic: Bummed
I saw my surgeon today and I'm bummed. I gained 2lbs in 6 months since I last time I saw him I've stayed about the same weight for about 6 months I can't get lower. I'm still in a 16-18 which stinks. I want about a size 10 or so. He wasn't concerned about it. I just need to exercise a bit more. The nutritionist said I need to get my snacks in. I have to do 3 meals and 2 snacks, which I can't do. I'll try.
I've been sick the last few days. Nausea, dizziness, mega headaches, queasy. I saw my headache doctor who said it sounds more like a tension headache as the pain is in the back of my neck and shoulders. He gave me fioricet. Hopefully it will work as I am going on vacation on 7/20/07.
That's all for now. Hope everyone is well.
Lisa J. in Mass
Topic: RE: I was in the newspaper today..
I just read your articles. They were wonderful. Made me cry.
You look amazing. Keep it up.
Lisa J. in Mass