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Topic: RE: testing board pic
Great Picture Vickie! I had to check out your profile, because I didn't recognize you! Great job!
Topic: about to pee my pants
Hi everyone. Went shopping and bought a size 12 jeans and they fit. I have never, never in my entire life been a size 12. My journey 8 mths ago was a size 28 jeans and now I am in Medium tops and now a 12 bottom. Everyday is a wow moment for me. I just wanted to share. We have all done so well. Thanks for all your support.
298/166/154 goal
Topic: RE: Hi From NJ
hi harvestmoon, do you have new pics on you're profile? It sounds like you are doing great.........keep up the good work!!!!!!!! vickie r.
Topic: RE: Thank you Everyone!
Erin thats great!!!!! I'm sorry your'e feelin bad, just take your meds....i love the fact that we can wear one digit number clothing.......take care.........vickie r.
Topic: Thank you Everyone!
I wanted to say thank you to everyone that posted on my Marriage. I am so sorry I haven't posted back. I went home sick Thursday and ended up at the Dr.'s. I have a bad, bad summer cold. Grrr. So I was off Friday as well. But I wanted to thank everyone for all the kind words and praises. The support from this site is unreal and I am so happy that I have been able to make such good friends off this site.
Thank you all again!
P.S. I AM IN A SIZE 6/8. I even fit in one pair of size 5 jeans, don't know how (must be made big ), but I did!!! I am 5'8" and in a 6/8!! I actually for once, feel thin!
Revision on 05/01/14
Topic: RE: Getting Married!!!
Congratulations Erin!! I'm so happy for you. A wedding on the beach will be beautiful. Make sure you post some pictures for us You are going to be such a beautiful bride. Congratulations again and I have a wonderful wedding day.
Carol 378/240/170
Revision on 05/01/14
Topic: Hi From NJ
Hi fellow Octoberites,
I've been offline a lot since we moved and I've been missing my OH family a lot too. I finally broke the stall from hell and am now down 138 pounds. I've gone from 378 to 240 and the difference is unbelievable. I broke the stall by starting a food diary to force me to look at what I'm eating every day, and trying to get to around 1000 cal a day vs whatever I was doing before. I know I was really creeping up to a lot more than that and it wasn't good at all. I've now lost 10 pounds in around a week.
I was at a wedding a couple of weeks ago, and an old friend didn't even recognize me! That was a great WOW moment, and an excellent motivator too. I have 70 pounds left to get to my goal and I can't wait. My surgeon hasn't given me a goal yet, so I'm curious to see if we agree or not.
My last round of bloodwork was a little off, so I'm working on that too. My B12 does not want to go above 389 no matter what I do. I switched to a different brand of sublingual and also started on a liquid one with it. Hopefully that'll get me out of needing shots or spray. My Iron was back to being low, although not as low as before my wls. My Vitamin D was low too, so I increased the amount of my daily calcium with D. Such a delicate balance to maintain all of this. It's worth a little aggravation though. I look better than ever, and I feel great too.
I showed my coworkers at my new job the picture on my driver's license from last july and they were so shocked. They all said I look 10 years younger now, and like a completely different person. I really need to get some pictures up in my profile. You'd be amazed at the difference. I know I am every time I see the difference in all of you. You guys all look fantastic, and I'm so proud of all of us. Keep up the great work everyone!!
Carol 378/240/170
Revision on 05/01/14
Topic: RE: prayers
I'll keep you in my prayers for a quick and pain free recovery.
As for the stall you mention in your sig, hang in there, it'll end soon. I just ended one by losing 10 pounds in about a week. Just remember our bodies are still playing catch up with all of the weight we've already lost. I'm now maintaining a food diary and trying to stay to around 1000 cal a day to break the stall and it's definitely working. As the months went by I found myself becoming complacent and definitely taking advantage of my ability to eat more, without even realizing how much I was really eating. I've put a stop to it now and I'm definitely seeing results. Remember that your body is going to need some time to heal after your hernia surgery, so things may be a little out of whack with your wl for a while too. Try and focus on how far you've come and I know you'll do great. Best wishes on your surgery.
Topic: prayers
Hi Everyone,
I am having surgery on Wednesday (7/12) to fix a very large hernia from a c-section I had in 2004. Please say a little prayer for me on Wednesday morning if you would. I'm very nervous about it, but I know it is for the best. I will probably be in the hospital for two days. Thanks for your support!
389/280/180? (when will this stall end?)