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Topic: RE: Ate way to much junk this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Rebecca---
Your right.......the weekend is over...move on. Hopefully the next time I have a weak moment I can recognize it and ward it off at the pass!
Have a great day!!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Ate way to much junk this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know what, I do the same thing once in a while (believe me, I ate a Twix bar in the car yesterday)! I'm not too hard on myself, though- it's not like I eat like that every single day. I've decided that I'm NOT on a diet, if I want a cookie I have one (just not 12 like the old days). Yeah, you ate a bunch of junk, but rein yourself back in and do better. I think we all blow it sometimes, the trick is to realize it and get back under control. I really think your best bet is to "forgive" yourself and move on, dont dwell on this past weekend, look at how great you've done over the past 10 months and look forward!
Good luck, hope this helps!
Topic: RE: Help I'm gaining
Thanks for your support. I have the plateau buster diet, but I haven't tried it yet. If things don't get moving soon I'm going to.
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemia
Are those the signs of hypoglycemia? I've been doing that exact thing once or twice a week, I couldnt figure out what was causing them, I eat pretty much the same thing every day, so I didnt think I was dumping... Sometimes I get so dizzy that I'm afraid I'm going to pass out, my vision gets totally black for a few seconds. Stupid question, but is this something I should get checked or just be careful what I'm eating??
Topic: Ate way to much junk this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok's the awful truth...I ate way to much this weekend AM I NUTS? I didn't go through this surgery and loose 150lbs for nothing....I really am being hard on myself today it is time to get back on track....when I say I went is the deal...I ate crap like popcorn (alot, not low-cal either) sugar free cookies, sugar free fudge cycles, chips and salsa I grazed on this crap all weekend long as well as having my regular meals, and drank no water. I even ate some Onion rings. I typically don't do this sort of thing...and I no I will not reach goal if I continue this type of behavior...thats what go me fat in the first place...I am really upset with myself, and how easy it was to fall back into this old pattern of self sabatoge. I think i will try to attend the next support group and hopefully this week will be better....I am 10 months post-op and up till now have been very faithful to "the plan" so I quess I need to keep that junk out of my house and just focus on the goal at hand....I no it could be worse I could have attempted to eat a pizza or something but at this point it is getting harder to loose this last 20lbs. that needs to go. Thanks for listening!!!!
Topic: RE: Am I about done losing????
I am 5'8" and right now weigh 170.5 on my doctor's scales. My personal goal is to hit 150 on my surgeon's scales so I'm hoping and praying that I haven't hit rock bottom yet! Weight loss has slowed but not totally stopped yet. I've got twenty more to go and need to really put my mind to things and get on the plateau buster diet to get things moving quicker.
Anyhow, enjoy life and keep smilin'! I know I am.
Peggy B.
Topic: RE: Help I'm gaining
Just remember there are those times during this process that our bodies go through major changes. Things shift within us and water is sometimes retained for a short period of time.
If you keep up the daily routine you have set for yourself, you should see the scales shift downward again. Somewhere on the board there is a plateau buster diet that really works if you're really concerned and would like to get things moving again. Not sure who posted this diet but I'm sure we can find out quick enough!
Peggy B.
Topic: RE: We are missing some of our October People?
Ouch! Sounds like you've been through quite a bit lately. Glad you're feeling better. Now, we order you to stay healthy, you hear?
Welcome back!
Peggy B.
Topic: Hernia Surgery
Alas, I find myself on the threshold of the hosptial once again. My surgery is scheduled for September 1st at 7:30 a.m. I'll be in the hospital for up to three days. It's been almost a year since I had WLS and I really don't want another surgery but it's inevitable! I have a hernia that bulges out like an alien baby in my belly. It's driving me crazy. Doesn't hurt but is constantly there, in the way. I want it gone so I can wear pants more comforatably around my waist!
At first he was going to do it laprascopically but he's now decided that it would be best to open me up again (using the same incision line as my last surgery). That way he can put in the mesh, reattach something and remove scar tissue from my first incision. Hopefully, he can do a little tummy tuck in the process?
Anyhow, keep me in your prayers!
Peggy B.
Topic: RE: Am I about done losing????
I started at 322 and have been at 214 for a month but I have only been eating about once every two days...I have no appetite. My docs goal for me is 175 and with all my probs I will take a long time to get there. What is your surgeons goal for you???