Long stall and I am the slowest loser...ba humbug!
Dennis...right there with you buddy. I've had thoughts of "am i done?" ... all I can say is I keep working out...I'm trying to get to the gym 3-4 x per week....up to an hour on the elliptical burning about 1000 calories per session, plus I've been lifting lower weight, higher reps for toning...I guess I'm not 20 anymore and not looking to get HUGE (in my best Donald Trump voice).
I'm able to eat more...still find when I eat too fast I hurt...have not dumped...try to stay away from heavy sweets. I probably don't get my 60 oz of water in every day...I think if I focus on the water, it will help.
I'm a little frustrated, but I am down 78lbs and feeling good. I just want to bust that damn 300 number like it is nobody's business.
10/12/05 Lap RNY
Oh Dennis, don't lose heart! You are doing all the right things, and surely your health is MUCH better now than when you began this weight loss journey. Keep the faith! You inspire many of us!
I'm a pretty "slow loser" too; except I dropped about a dozen lbs recently due to a complicated respiratory infection. I'm down 61 lbs since WLS. Slow isn't bad...it's just slower than some other folks. What is important is the long term: what healthy weight will you have maintaned 10 years from now? 20 years from now? Stay focused on your long term goals!
Hi Dennis
I'm a scale ***** too! I have lost and gained the same 2 pounds for a month. I want to lose another 70 pounds. I started at 260 down to 195 goal weight 125. The Dr. made my goal weight 150,but that is still to heavy for me. Everyone else seems to be losing a lot more weight than me.Iwas boderline diabetic at time of surgery. I don't know if diabetes can slow down the metabolic rate. I get depressed everytime I get on the scale. I have OCD so there is no way I can stay away from the dreaded scale. I've decided to go back on liquids to try and jump start the weightloss again. Thanks for sharing. I don't feel so alone when I know other people are having the same problem.
Sincerely kk.
Hey Dennis,
3 weeks? Blah that's nothing :P I have been playing with the same 3 pounds for 6 weeks. This morning the numbers changed, but I won't believe it until it's constant for at least another week. I am hoping the stall is over. Regardless, you still have done great and you are doing the right things. Be proud of what you have accomplished so far! Keep up the great work.