Screwing up!!!!!!
I feel like I'm really screwing up! I'm taking in too many carbs! It's almost like I have no will power at all. Can you believe I took in 1300 calories today?? I know that's too many. My mind is playing tricks on me. I weigh in tomorrow and I think I've only lost 10 pounds this month and I don't want to see that disappointed look on my surgeon's face. Maybe I need to starve myself until 3 pm tomorrow and eat after I weigh in. Ok I'm rambling so I guess I need to shut up. I just needed to vent! I hope you all are doing well. Continue to stay focused and try not to be like me.
PS I realized now that I was an emotional eater (pre-surgery). I've been so stressed out the past few weeks and I've been making a few bad choices. I'll shut up now. Have a good night!!
We just need to forgive ourselves and move on (or that's what an article said that I just read)! This is a learning process so I guess we'll learn as we continue. I just read something that said we will have setbacks but we must regroup and move on, so I guess we better do that. We've come too far to turn back now. Take care of yourself Deb and we'll continue to support and help each other.
Hey keke,
Don't be hard on yourself. I have come to a conclusion. I try to eat healthy but I have my carbs to so I just balance out . I have been steady losing and I am so not the best eater. This is not a diet it's a life style change so you had some carbs I bet it was a 10th of what you would have eaten 4 months ago. To me it boils down to this eat good balanced meals small portions and be happy.