Wow!!!!!! It's Monday!!!!!!!!!
Going to Curves today and it looks like it is gonna be in the mid to high 60's here this week so Willow and I will be doing some major park time too. The park we go to is at the beginning of a half mile long lake board walk and Willow loves to walk it so we not only play we do walking too.
Do you have Yahoo 360? I can send you messages on your blog page if you like! Try and do light lifts with your arms since your back is hurt. Some stretches that don't add strain to your back may also help. I was also told moving side to side while your watching a television show or to some music; not too fast because you don't want to reinjure your back. Take care of yourself and make sure you take it easy on the exercise. I'll hit you hard once your healthy again! Take care!
Sorry But I took today off. As well as the last week and a half. I have not exercised since before I left for Forida.
However, Saturday and Sunday were very busy. Saturday I rented a tiller and tilled a vegetable garden out back. then Sunday put in raised beds and a trellis fence. Oh and I added some bulbs to the flower garden.
Needless to say I am hurtting today.
I promise I will get back to walking tomarrow. And might even get to the gym.