Reached my end of month goal already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am JUMPING for joy!
Not only have I FINALLY stopped throwing up every other day (well I puked two days this month, but once was the STUCK pill incident and the other time I had a little soup with rice in it, which is something I usually avoid) but I feel really good most days! I almost feel "normal"
My diet basically consists of nuts, berries and cheese, but I can live with that.
I feel so healthy!
My goal was to lose 8 lbs for the month of February and I reached that this morning and I still have more than half of February left!!
This past week has been amazing! The past few days I seem to be losing about a pound a day which is something I haven't seen in a long time! I think now that we are past that 3 month mark and the dreaded stall period, we'll all be seeing a lot of progress again! I'm so excited for us!!!
Remember what it was like as a pre-op to read all the posts of the POST-OPS who were doing great and wishing that could be us??
WELL... we have arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One more pound and I'll be down 70 since the day of surgery! I was hoping to hit 100 lbs (or close to it) by the time I go to Cali in 3 and a half months so I'm still hoping I will make it!! Can't wait to get in a plane and fit comfortably in those little seats! I haven't been on a plane in 12 years!! I wasn't anxious to get on a plane when I was over 400 lbs!
Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that I've been reading your profiles and your blogs and I'm so thrilled at how well we are all doing and that the stalls have finally broken!
I moved my journal to a blog site ( -- it was easier for me to post there, but I still have my sitekreator too. I love journaling, it's so therapeutic!!
Congrats Val. I know I too still fight the pukes. My diet consist of yogurt
and orange every night. I crave the oranges and it doesn't bother me. I eat a lot of cheese and cottage cheese. I have done a little better with chicken but I tried turkey this week and no luck. I too will eat nuts. I am staying focused on my protein. I can't do pasta or bread which is a great thing. Like you I feel we are past that mark. I too have been loosing steady now. Curves makes me feel wonderful but I can't wait for the weather to get better. I have so much I want to do that I haven't been able to do. I feel like a kid except this kid is dreading I'm the fat kid that won't fit. Have a great day. We are camper shopping again this weekend. Hopefully something will jump out.
Take care
I am so happy for you, I too have finally broke my stall. I am starting to loose 5 lbs a week again! I am soooo happy! It is great when all the work we are doing starts to pay off! Because I find I am working more at loosing than I have in the past. On the treadmill, the bike, and the Total gym daily. I have been lucky and unlucky with the foods, I can eat quite a few things, just not too much. I am very firm about not snacking between meals as that is my down fall. I eat ground beef and chicken. I try and eat some seafood twice a week also. I have notice my hair is starting to thin out now. In the beginning I did not notice anything different, but now when I get out of the shower and dry my hair I notice more hair on the towel. I am hoping this slows down. Get skinny and go bald? I have heard it will come back. My big goal right now is to get uner 200 I have 4 lbs to go....I can hardly wait. I don't remember being under 200 since I was a kid.
Keep up the good work
Mary L
Yes, it is wonderful!!! WOW, under 200!! I think I was about 190 when I was 15 or 16.... ooooh to be there again! My goal is to be 190... seems like a dream is finally getting closer!
And I agree, we should work harder now, while we have this wonderful opportunity! I decided about a week ago that I needed to seriously cut back on carbs, NOW, (while I can't eat much) because they were always my downfall and I want to get in the habit before my "window of opportunity" is over -- it'll be much harder then!
We need to strike while the iron is hot!!!
I am jumping right along with you, Vi
I can feel your joy and your smile all the way in California through my computer screen. My son just asked me why I was smiling at the computer...
I also have good food luck and bad food luck. I can eat finely ground beef and finely ground turkey. Chicken is difficult for me unless it's been stewed all day. If it is dry, I can't eat chicken at all. I can eat ham, but only the deli kind. I eat a lot of shrimp. I don't like regular fish, so that's a whole protein source that I'm missing out on.
I like soy and eat some meatless foods, but I can't manage a Boca Burger -- it's too heavy or something. I have edamame for snacks and sometimes blend soft tofu into shakes with berries in it. Yogurt, cheese, nuts and berries are my staples. I crave fruit. I have fruit every day. No trouble with it at all...but the doc told me not to overdo it.
I'm going off to your new blog, Vi. I love reading your journal. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.