Hello! Didn't know about this Board.....
Hi Everyone! I'm a regular lurker on the main board but never knew there was an October 2005 forum until I saw someone's post suggest to another person go to their date board. So, Hi! I admit, I haven't put any time into my profile (sorry) but I do enjoy reading about others. I am relieved to read that some of you other October butterflies are in the same range in weight loss--I'm down 53 lbs. and feeling pretty good.
One question: Does anyone here froth? I have a lot of clear mucus come back at me which has made eating awkward in public and uncomfortable physically. I've done some reading up on this and found it usually goes away around 3 months...I sure hope so! Just wondering how common it is.
Anyhow, nice to be here with you.
Yes, frothing is usually after you start eating and a huge amount of clear, gooey phlem just appears out of nowhere in your mouth. Sometimes if I am full from food, I have to vomit the phlem up because there in no room left in my stomach for it go! It's really bizarre and makes eating very difficult sometimes. (example: take one bite and have to stop eating because you can't stop this stuff from being created! Digestion is on overdrive!) I usually ask for a paper napkin when at a restaurant so I can spit it out more politely

Hi Laura and welcome!
I'm definitely a frother (and a puker as well as everything else, including anorexic, judging by the little I eat at this point
). A month out I was able to eat pretty much anything except bread (who needs it anyway) and then around 2 months my pouch became picky and pukey and foamy and now there are very few things I want to eat because the way I feel during and after just isn't appealing!
So welcome to the crowd! You're not alone and if this passes around 3 months, I too will be the happiest girl around!
However, I haven't regretted this surgery for a minute, even with the problems, so if it doesn't pass, I'll deal with it for as long as it takes, that's how good I feel about the weight loss and the changes!!

Shrinking Violet,
Great website!!! You have made tremendous strides in your progress, congrats!!!! Thanks for answering my post--and yes, I also wonder if I'm anorexic sometimes--hardly any food some days and can't keep those few bites down. (Sometimes I call this "voluntary eject" due to discomfort) The good news is that I really have gotten better from frothing and if you sip hot tea with lemon (to get it acidic) before you eat, this helps cut down on the phlem.
I've decided to go back to a nutritionist I saw pre-op to find out about my calorie intake. I'm worried about going into starvation mode if I don't get in enough food. I don't want to stall myself, but I don't want to over eat either!
I agree with you too--haven't regretted my decision, not once. Gone from size 22 pants to 16 and from XL shirts to L @5'11.
(ME?? in a L?!?!?