Nausea ?????????????????
I agree with Deb, it could be you are eating too fast. It could also be a sign you are reaching the limit you should eat. I over ate once, and never want to do it aqain, I was in pain for 2 hours before it all came up.
It could also be something you were eating. I use to love eggs, now I can eat part of one but it does not sit well with me and will make me nauseaous. I also read in your profile that sugar does not make you dump. Be careful, some people can tolaterate a small amount of sugar, but if they increase the amount they will dump.
Try to notice when this feeling comes over you what did you just eat, did you chew it real well. Have you eaten this before? Does it have a high fat content? Is there sugar or a high sugar level?
I would suggest it this keeps happening you check with your nutritionalist and or doctor, it could also be a sign of another problem.
Good Luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
Mary L