PAIN PAIN PAIN in the chest
I have tried different things lately and I get this God forsaking squeeze in my chest and then i sneeze like 20 times and my nose runs and then i
I tried a piece, tiny piece of banana bread....
I tried a chicken strip from wendys PAIN PAIN PAIN nose run sneeze sneeze
Im disgusted. Im goin back to soup.
I also didnt get dressed for 2 days...i wonder if I am gettin depressed
Chin up, it will pass. I get that nasty ole pain in my chest at least once a week and sometimes from stuff that I had eaten that never bothered me before! I read in the WLS for Dummies book that you can take a little meat tenderizer in water to make whatever is stuck come out faster, but I haven't been brave enough to try it! I guess that would only work with meat though huh?
P.S. My message boards are functioning from work again, YAAY!
I have gotten the pain in my chest when I eat too fast or don't chew enough. We're still pretty early out and adjusting to the new ways. Usually when the pain starts with me, I wait and then start burping and it passes as soon as everything goes down. Afterwards, I go very light on the tummy and just give it a rest. Hope you're feeling better.
Oh, I read about this on the main message boards. There is a nerve somewhere in the passageway from our mouth to stomach (I think they called it the Venus nerve, but can't be sure). Anyway, after GBS that nerve can become more sensitive or prevalent and causes sneezing and runny nose. Ask on the main boards, they will have lots of info.
I HATE that pain. It freaks my friends out when we are at lunch and it happens. I find a lot of times it's if I stick something in there that isnt well toasted enough. It sucks I just get the sneezes and dry heeves. It never does come out I just have to suffer through it. Oh well. Live and learn I guess.