I didnt eat anything different yesterday cept a liquid isopure before working out. We worked weights on my lower legs and abs.
I have not gone to bed yet and its 5:30 I feel like im speedin..heart racing and 2 times i tried to lay down the veins in my legs are jumping and i can hear my heart beating...which i never hear. My pulse is 80..i dunno...u would think 10 hours later the isopure would be out of my system..i have drank 2 bottles of water since mouth is sooo dry...
Anyone have any thoughts the doc? im a little bit afraid...i dont know whats going on?????
Please dont think im crazy..i have no probs with anxiety and im not
any thoughts are welcome
Well I just talked to the dietician and doc. I had a diet nestea with lemon. I didnt even think about the caffeine. The dietician said she told me no caffeine for 6 months..but i dont ever remember hearing her say that. Well this drink has approximately 30 grams of caffeine...i drank it inbetween meals so no food was in my stomach so my new body absorbed all 30 grams. Then I worked out hard with weights and my HOT trainer and absorbed more. I have now been up for 30 hours and I am still going strong. Now we cant explain why my tongue hurts. Yes! doesnt that sound stupido? Sooo anyways...who woulda thunk...