Anyone ever use a Gazelle?
When I was at my MIL's birthday lunch the other day one of her friends told us her daughter (40 yrs old) had bought a Tony Little Gazelle and lost 62 lbs in 3 months. No one but me knew what it was, so I explained it to them and told them it looked like it was fun to use. One of the ladies suggested I buy one, but I told her my husband won't let me buy workout machines (I spent $299 once on an elliptical machine I couldn't use because it hurt my back). Well, last night my hubby came home from work and wanted to know what model I wanted because his parents want to buy us one. Which is totally cool, but since I've never seen one in person I don't know what to tell them.
Anyone know anything about them?
I finally broke 250!!!!
I have a Gazelle!
I got it a few years ago when I came across it at Wal-Mart. I think it was only about $100 so I grabbed it. The newer ones do seems to have some fancier/cool features but I still like my old one well enough. It tracks miles 'walked', calories burned and time. It's easy to use and I can fold it in half fairly easy to stick it in the closet.
It has been my best friend lately because of the bitter cold!
I think you should go for it! (If you have small kids though, watch it- they always seem to get in the way of the swinging foot plates!!)
P.S.- congrats on breaking 250! I am still stuck there myself... 10 days now! ugh!
Hi Sheryl,
Thanks a lot for aiding my shopping addiction!
I have a ton of workout videos, but can never get motivated to do them. I just get bored. I always thought that if I could watch something I enjoyed while exercising, that I might do it more. In my old apartment, I had my parent's second-hand crappy treadmill, which turned into a clothes rack! It was so noisy, that when I did more than a sloooooooow walk, I was afraid the people below me would think the ceiling was coming down!
At my last support group, a few people mentioned they liked the gazelle, but I had forgotten about it until I saw your post. I read some reviews on this site, as well as on and they were positive enough to hook me. I especially like that it's quiet! (no more elephant-stampede noises for me) Another plus for me is that you can fold it up - I hated having that treadmill next to my bed all the time.
Since I don't have a lot of $ right now, I did the flex-pay, which was under $50 a month for 5 months and free shipping. I know there are cheaper versions as well, but I figured there was less chance of me breaking a nicer version - I could be totally wrong, but that's how my mind works! Right now the hsn website says there are only 7 left, but that's only if you want the one with DVDs instead of videos.
I'm glad you posted this today, since I was getting a little despondent over my lack of exercise motivation. I will let you guys know how it goes when I get it! (My parents, who now live nearby, kid me mercilessly about all my exercise videos. If they come over and see that gazelle and I haven't been using it, they will not shut up about it, so that is extra motivation for me!)
Hey...I'm always happy to aid a shopping addiction.
I'll let my MIL know about HSN. They were looking on and They keep asking me what model I want. It's so hard to choose. I could get the cheap one for me (250 lb weight limit), but I want my DH to start working out too. He weighs about 320, which would mean getting the super duper heavy duty model. It's also $200 more, but it's not my money, right? Lord, please bless my rich and generous in-laws. I was shopping with my MIL at Kohls the other day and mention I liked a sweater and she bought it for me for Christmas, then I tried on a pair of gloves because my DH was going to buy some for me for Christmas, and she bought those too. (really nice isotoner leathers ones with thinsulate). Then when I tried to buy my son a book and a stuffed animal, she decided they would be from her too. I LOVE going shopping with her. We made plans to go to Dillards and lunch on Monday for my 35th birthday. For shopping with her, I would miss a workout and not even feel guilty. I can't help it....I'm greedy.