You've got to move it move it!!!!
The past few days we've been slacking (myself included). Yesterday was your day of peace, relaxation, worship, etc... Let's start the week off right and get some movement in!! I challenge you to move!! And as it!
PS for those of you that moved yesterday let us know!! I did the walk away the pounds video by prevention. I realized I'm still out of shape! Have a great week!
I got a little exercise yesterday! I'm homesick so I drove up to our adopted hometown to go to church and see their annual Christmas play (not really a play, more like a production- they see around 30,000 people during their 15 performances, it's a BIG deal!) and see all my old friends! I walked back and forth between the church and the Drama Building about 10 times, and it's about 200 yards and down a hill from the sanctuary, so that counts, right??? I had on clogs, too, so it was quite a workout walking and keeping my shoes on at the same time! hahaha Anybody else's feet shrinking???
Friday I wasn't feeling well. I slept ALL day. I didn't wake up until 3:30 pm. My son had gotten up, turned on his Tivo, and played quietly because he didn't want to wake me up. He's such a good little boy.
Saturday spent 2 hrs chasing kids around a childrens museum at my sons 4th birthday party. After we traipsed through a Christmas tree farm and cut down our own christmas tree/hannukah bush (multi-religious family).
Sunday went to an art museum and walked around for an hour.
Today I did 1 hr water aerobics, 1 mile lap swim, and 10 minutes treading water. I couldn't stay longer because my dog was back at the vet. He had a "growth" we were getting checked out. Fatty tumor...totally benign. We are giddy with happiness.
Sorry seems to be going around here....big really stinks cause the meds I used to take I can't take anymore..oh well, a whole new life...I hope this all goes away very soon...
Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!
Until then, I will count the gazillion times I run up and down the stairs everyday as my doc did say I can walk on the treadmill today...but I feel like crapola...I might try tomorrow depending on how I feel...