I'm a month and two days out, and am feeling pretty good, other than this horrible gas, constipation {that's new}, and nauseau {sp?}......
A few weeks ago I had this nagging pain in my left side, I didnt know what it was, when I went in for my 2 week checkup with my surgeon, he informed me that it was most likely gas pains, toppled with healing pains......
Well he was right, I took a few Gas-x and ta da! I was cured, then I did the ultimate
, over the holiday week, I didnt drink as much water as I usually do, I was only drinking low calroie Minute Maid Juice, and eating mashed potatoes for Turkey Day, and now boy oh boy! am I paying for it, I have the most horrible constipation {I figure that's from the potatoes}; and gas, gas, gas, and a little nauseau {sp?}......
Stool softeners seem to work, but that nagging left side pain is back, I figure its gas, Gas-x is working okay, but man alive, I'll never be caught without my water again, and no more mashed potatoes for me......
Everyday is a learning experience with my new pouch, I just hope I havent stretched it out too much, from now on I'm gonna be real real careful.....
Protein, protein, and more carbs...and if so..just a little baby taste...water, juice...high in doctor says it is a big no no...water, protein, water protein is my name...and you gotta do it...Hope you feel better...have had no problems...with my pouch...but I am being very careful...and following the rules to the letter P for Pouchie...there is a book out called Gastric By Pass for Dummies...I have it by my bed and read it like the bible...worth buying...take care and blessings...Dennis