I had to share my latest bargain with you!
I'm always searching for bargains on the net and I love techno toys so I decided today to TREAT MYSELF to a scale!
I found one by Tanita (a brand that I love) and got it on amazon.com for 26.99 with no tax and FREE shipping and my FAVORITE FEATURE is that it will keep track of how much weight we lose!! How cool will it be to stand on the scale and see your highest weight, your goal weight and your POUNDS LOST to date!!
Here's the link in case anyone is interested:
Hey Gail!!! I'm doing good, how are you? Get one of those scales, I can't wait to get mine!! It was a nice treat to myself!!
I'm bored to death being home (doing a lot of online shopping )and still trying to figure out how to get 40-60 grams of protein in three 3 oz meals. I just ordered some liquid protein concentrate thing from TWINLABS that has 15 grams in one oz. I figure maybe I can drink it like medicine a couple of times a day.
Here's where I got it, in case anyone is interested:
I got 15% off with this coupon code: WZ56ACB
I can't stand the Protica PROFECT vials anymore -- they get sickening after a while. I love the Revival Soy shakes, but drinking only 3 oz doesn't come close to getting the protein in... so what's a gal to do?
HOW are you doing? Got any tips on how to make my time at home go by quicker? I need a hobby bad!