I'm all ready for Preop Monday 10/3!
My surgery is 10/4, preop is 10/3. I have to drive 10 hours for my surgery (I am selfpay). My hubby is flying in from South America (his job) on Monday to meet me, so I have been dealing with all the preparation myself, besides making flight & hotel arrangements. I just need to pawn off my H.S. exchange student for the week, and I'm all set. I'm trying to stay as calm as I can.
Last night, I had a bit of tears bottled up talking with my husband. I think its just because I'm finally taking charge of my life. I told my husband that I have paid my dues and its my time now. I am so elated. With each new day will be a better horizon. The best is yet to come - for perserverance has rewards.