I'm new to the web site
I just found out about this web site. Boy, would it have been a help over the last year. I live 2 hours away form my doctor and the support group meetings so I've really been on my own. Through a miscommunication up they kind of forgot about me and I didn't even see my doctor for 8 months! I just had my 5th fill and I've lost 94 pounds total.
I'm curious to what everyone else has done a year later. Am I normal? Behind where I should be?
Well, better late than never, or so they say, so welcome to the boards! I had lap RNY, so can't really say where you should be in terms of weight loss at 12 months out. I do know that results vary widely and 94 pounds sounds like you've made great progress. Sorry about the miscommunication with your doctor's office; hopefully that's all ironed out now.
Anyway, welcome aboard and happy reading
Lap RNY 10/25/2005
Welcome to our site. Sorry to hear about your miscommunication. That's the fault of the doctors office. I see mine every 3 months.
I think 94lbs is an awesome loss. You should be proud that you did it yourself without seeing your doctor for so long.
I'm down about 150-152lbs. I want to lose maybe 30 more. But it's tough.
When I saw my doctor last month. He said i've exceeded what was expected and more. I've lost more than 70% of total body weight. That is what is supposed to happen about 2 yrs out. So i'm happy about that.
You are doing just fine. Not everyone loses the same amount. Some lose more and some lose less. Some lose faster and some slower. But a loss of any amount is something to be happy about.
If you are concerned about where you think you should be, call your doctor and ask him/her what they would think. If you can't speak to the doctor, is there a nutritionist that you could talk to and see where you think you may be at. I bet they will tell you you are on track and doing just fine. I think now the weight will come off slower as we get further out.
No matter what. You are doing great. Keep it up.
Best of luck,
Lsia J. in Mass