re: Happy 1st Anniversary/Birthday to all Octoberites
I just wanted to say Happy 1st birthday/anniversary to all. I can't believe that we are or have approached 1 yr out. We've all down great.
No matter how you spend it. Remember where we were just 1 yr ago and how much we have accomplished and how far we've come.
Again, Happy 1st birthday/anniversary to all.
Best wishes,
Lisa J. In Mass
Yes, hard to believe it's almost been a year already! And what a year!!! wooo hooo! I've never learned so much about my body! Wow that sounded wierd, but you probably know what I mean!
I'll never forget where I came from. This surgery was the most amazing thing I've ever done in my life and I am so thankful.
Congratulations to all of you October babies!!!!!!!!!
317 highest/289.5 day of surgery/151 now big smile