9 Months out...
Well, today is my 9 month sugiversary. I went for a dr. appt today and she said all my numbers are good! She is requesting an additional iron test to make sure that is ok, but everything else is fine.
I am down 123 lbs!!!!!! I started my journey at 323 and am now 200 according to the dr.'s scale. (I like mine better... if finally said 199!!!)
I feel great. I am exercising 3 times a week and..... are you ready for this....actually feel as though something is missing if I can't get to the gym! NEVER thought I would say that!!!
I started wearing size 32 pants and am now wearing 14 and 16's!! I just went through my closet again and cleared out a lot of stuff that was too big!
I'm so thankful right now with the hot weather to be thinner, 9 months ago I wouldn't have been surviving this heat (113 degrees yesterday). Now, I'm still hating the heat, but I can breathe and still move without collapsing!
Thanks for everyone's support, I read your posts everyday, even if I don't write much myself!