Good Morning October Brothers and Sisters!
How is everyone this morning? Good, I hope. It's Wed. and only 2 more days until the weekend!
Our company is having a picnic at Knoebels ( an old amusement park in Elysburg, PA ) this Saturday. I went last year and had to be STUFFED into rides. I am so excited to sit in a ride normally and enjoy it, without that bar jammed into my belly!!
Next Saturday I have a fellow Obesity Help friend from Baltimore, MD. coming to stay the weekend. I can't wait. I love meeting anyone I can off of here.
Well, what is everyone else's plans?
Good Morning Erin and October Gang!
Today is Wednesday and the last day of school for my 6th grader. So, now its going to be fun trying to find something for him to do this summer!
This weekend is busy for us with home improvements. We are tiling our bathroom floor and preparing for someone to come in and plumb the bath for a shower also. Yahoo... then the kids won't have to shower in our masterbath!!! Yea for me!!
We'll also be painting and gardening. Something I didn't have the energy to do 7 months ago!
Enjoy your picnic - I too can't wait to go to an amusement park with my kids and not worry about them falling out because I take up too much of the seatbelt. And now I don't have to watch them go on the rides, I can go with them!!
Have fun with your friend next weekend!