5K run and 6 week check-up
I ran my 5K on Saturday and did awesome! When I started training for it 12 weeks ago, my goal was to finish in 45 min or less. As I trained and got faster, I was running the 3 miles in about 33 min, 30 on a good day. On race day, I ran it in 27 min. and 45 sec! They gave out awards by age group, I was 4th in mine, so didn't place, but felt great. Second and third place in my age group came in 47 and 48th in the race, I was 51, so I was right behind them. My Mom and Dad came to watch, along with my hubby and kids. My Mom cried. She said she was so happy that I am so healthy. My husband got lots of pictures, so I will be putting them on my profile soon.
I went for my 6 week weigh-in that my surgeon requires and weighed in at 146, that's 105 lbs. lost. They measure my neck, chest, waist, hips, arm, thigh and calf (only one of each) and I have lost a total of 52 inches. That's almost 6 feet! If we counted the other thigh, arm and calf, I'm sure I would make 6 feet. I have been slacking on my eating. I won't bore you with all my excuses. I have been eating lots of things I shouldn't. So, today is a new day and I will do it right.
My husband will be 6 weeks out tomorrow and he had his first check-up with me. He is down to 264 from 311. He is doing great. Can't handle milk, just makes him feel yucky, but everything else, he handles well.
Thanks for reading.
When I started out, I walked for 30 min and did a one minute jog 5 times during that 30 min. Then I started jogging longer and longer. I remember the day I ran for 10 min., then 20. Once I was able to jog for 30 min, I started increasing my speed. You do that the same way, by kicking it up for a min or two several times during your run. Try to have fun!