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Topic: RE: anyone experiencing this pain?
I am sorry you are in pain. Its possible it is your stomach healing or it could be a hernia. Check with your doctor at your next appt. I hope it stops bothering you soon..
Keep us updated.
Topic: RE: Off track
I dont agree with the above statement. You should not wait 15 minutes between bites....By the time you get to the 2nd bite the other bite has gone thru your pouch--you will then end up eating more. You should however eat all of your food within 20 -30 minutes. I agree that you should eat slowly and chew your food up but dont wait 15 minutes between bites. You will be eating for an hour and getting way more than you need.
It is VERY hard to stretch your pouch but it can be done. Talk with you doctor about eaiting 15 minutes between bites. I dont beleive that is accurate.
Topic: RE: Names Please......................
I had surgery on the 7th and I am right there with you. I had a plateau at 3 weeks and now am on one again. I havent lost any weight in about 2 weeks. I am just coming off of my period and am hoping this is the problem. It seemed to be the problem last month.
You are doing great though-- dont worry.
57 til goal..
Topic: RE: Names Please......................
I can SO relate to you.
I had surgery on 09/17/04, but had severe complications, a 2nd surgery and could have absolutely NOTHING by mouth, so I was on intravenous feeding (TPN****il 10/28/04 (on which day I weighed the same as I did just prior to surgery in Sept). So, 10/28/04 is my "start date" I guess.
It has now been 7 weeks and I have only lost 25 lbs. For the past 10 days I have been losing and then regaining this one stubborn pound, so I guess I actually have lost 24 or 25 lbs (LOL). I also have been exercising and eating protein first and getting in all of my liquids. I feel so frustrated. But then I think that 25 lbs in 7 weeks is WAY better than any other attempt I have made at losing weight and I just need to be patient. I have to admit though...It is nice to see that other people are having similar things happening to them -- I think it makes us all feel like we are not "hopeless cases" and that everything will be okay...good things come to those who wait?????? Hopefully soon all of us who are experiencing this "stall" will see the scales start moving again. THAT will be a happy day!
Topic: RE: Off track
Hi! Remember when you think you're hunger its in your head, you're not really hungry. The look and smell of good food makes you think you want to eat, these are old habits. You're not crazy. I find myself going to the refrigrater several times in the evening just looking whats in there and I'm not hungry, its habit, not necessity, remember why you started this journey. You want to eat to live, not live to eat. Take it slow, start pacing yourself when you eat, remember to chew your food 35 times each bite and put your folk or spoon down and wait 15 minutes before you take another bite. If you don't follow the rules, you'll stretch your pouch and guess what, you're right back where you started from before the surgery. Hang in there, you're in my thoughts and prayers for strength to over come this. Remember the mind a strong device and it does take over even if we don't want it to sometimes.
Topic: RE: anyone experiencing this pain?
My surgery was Oct 14, 04.
You need to really call your physician who did the surgery, sounds like you have a problem he needs to check out. I am now 8 weeks out and have had no problems. Don't let a small problem becoming a bigger one and a phone a way relieves a worry mind. Karen

Topic: anyone experiencing this pain?
I have been experiencing some pain like to the bottom right of my incision. I'm fine when standing and laying down. But sometimes when I move a certain way it is like a hot stabbing feeling. I thought maybe it was the muscle still healing, but it seems to be getting a little worse these days. It actually brought me to tears yesterday. Any thoughts? I'm feeling pretty good other than that fever or anything. I am 7 weeks out.
Topic: RE: Names Please......................
I am feeling your pain. I had surgery on 26th October and have been at a plataus for about 3 weeks now, it is so unnerving. I've also been busting my but with exercise. I've often wondered am I going to be that 1 case study that the surgery just doesn't work on!
We both have to hang in there though. Just keep me in touch and let me know if things start chaning for you. I've only lost 41 lbs. Ahhhhhhhhhh.
[email protected]
Topic: Names Please......................
Ok I read about plataus and noone seems to have them at just 2 months out I haven't lost in almost three weeks seems and I was wondering those that I hear about that stop losing after about 50 lbs when did it stop. I would soooo hate to think this is it and i know people get scared but see I am not even 3 months let alone the usual 6-9 when I read most have there first reall platau. Anyone got a profile I can read so I can see if there are any similarities to these other unfortunate folks? Please. Thanks
P.S. I get in the protien I drink the water. I walk 5 out of 7 days. I did flub one day but just one. not three weeks worth and hey if you flame me I will hide.

Topic: RE: Off track
Hey Jenn,
It's Nina, have you tried having a protein bar for a snack instead of a shake? I find them much easier to digest. I am buying the zone bars. I might have already told you about them. You know what else I have been eating to get in my calcium- viactiv chews they are yummy, you almost feel as though you are eating candy! I will email you later, I have been wanting to today anyway I just wanted to reply to your post.