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I have gained back 80 of almost 300 pounds lost initially. I joined Barbara Thompson's back on track program so I can get back on track. I never reached my goal of 200 pounds. I am considering a revision but I am not getting my hopes up on that front since revisions are hard to get approved. My program leader already checked with my insurance and they is an exclusion in my insurance that will not approve lap band over pouch.
I weigh 382 today and My lowest weight after surgery was 302, and then I went up to 311, next year 321, last year 338 and this year Jan 2010 372 and to date 382.
I use to exercise on average 5 to 6 times a 45 to 75 min each session and weights at health club and at home with Leslie Sasone DVD's. I was very active and one reason for my gains over time I am less committed to my workouts. So far in January I am exercising 3 to 4 times a week 30 to 45 min sessions with walking away the pounds DVDS. I am ashamed to go back to health club since I have gained 50 pounds since the last time I was there--which was February 2009.
2009 my knee gave out and did not exercise for 2 months last year and I have not been able to get back on track since. I am a failure I just need a readjustment and not sure how to get mind back in focus with my goals.
My biggest down fall is my addiction to and love of food. Surgery can not fix this so I have to fix my head with this problem. My plan is to start attending support groups each month and doing on-line back on track program with Barbara Thompson. If any one has any more suggestion please HELP. Thanks in advance for all replies.
Hey there. I am less than a week away from being 5 yrs. out myself. I too have developed a pretty bad case of anemia. I am taking Fergon twice daily prescribed by my dr. I also come in once a month to get B 12 shots for energy. I think at this point in the game it is pretty normal to be craving old things. It has been a while, and is really easy to slip back into old habits. My best suggestions are to get back to basics. Dont keep that kind of stuff in the house. Make yourself sit down at the table to eat, and make sure you eat slowly. Eating on the run is almost always bad. Get back into an exercise routine, it will help shed some of the unwanted lbs. you've picked back up. Always remember your water. It is really easy to get away from that at this far out of surgery. It might also be helpful to reconnect with a support group that meets monthly if you have gotten away from that as well. Read a success story or two, or maybe even re read your own. Remember how you got to where you were. Remember all your successes along the way, and never take them for granted. Keep your chin up and re motivate yourself! You can do it!
Best Wishes for Continued Success,
Anyone else experienced this? Suggestions?
My weight has been at 192 or so for a year or more. (5'8"). One day, the scale jumped to 200. I swore I would never let that happen again. I have lost about 4 lbs and holding at 197. I want to lose another 20 lbs. When I told my bariatric team about my concerns, they suggested I do a food diary and come in to see the dietician. I am not one who likes charts, so I just cut back my portions, even though I feel hungry (haven't felt that in a while, so I was overeating). I satisfy the hunger pangs by drinking beef or chicken broth and extra water. I started exercising more, so we'll see what happens. I may go back to a modified liquid diet (like preop) for a few days to jumpstart things. Maybe this will help you. Keep trying. You have come to far to give up now.
Thanks for posting. It helps to know there are others in the same boat.
rny 10/27/04.
RNY 10/27/04