18 months post op
Tommorow I will be exactly 18 months post op, I had my panniculectomy on March 31st. I had no complications everything went well. I also had my appointment with the Dr who did the bypass surgery, and he is very pleased with the results that have came about because of this surgery and ofcourse my faith. I would actully like to lose five more pounds, but if I do or don't I am happy more with the size that I am now than my weight. It has been a long road in such a short time. I am in better health now than I have been in my entire life. I hope in the future to start helping others. I know that I have to be more focused than I have been in the past, the only thing that my Dr told me was that I needed probably to increase my caloric intake, but whatever I do I will keep a close watch on my weight to maintain it where it is. I still have no hunger, and the thing I have to fight the most is eating out of boredom. I work in a place that is loaded with snack machines, and it is easier for me to digest the snaks sometimes more than it is healthy food, so my solution is not to take any change to work with me, chose healthier snacks, like fresh fruit, or to take advantage of their sugar free flavored water machine. I hope that everyone is doing well on their WLS journey.