hey there fellow october babies IM soooo sore but its all good
hi there
getting awefully quiet in here. i just got back from my tummy tuck and im sore but ill get over it. Anyoe else have a tuck yet if so how did you make out. How is everyone doing? Are you at goal...soo close you can taste it or are you struggling? How much is everyone down now its been a year a half siooo lets see where we are all at
oct 22nd 2004 starting 183 now 145
things done tummy tuck
things to do need my girls back
things im thinking about thigh lift
Biggest wow moment ....today tried on a bikini not a tankini even with my bandages on from the tuck that was done a week ago my eyebrown went up....you know what i think im going to be able to wear a bikini ...imagine that..i couldnt until today
Lowest moment
prolly mid way took a bad heatburn and gall stone attack was feeling weak and a lil ok well alot of self wallow actually said to hubby i wish i had not had this done im soo freaking frustrated,,,,good thing it lasted all of a half hour.
looking forward to
healing from the tuck and getting the girls done. I look like a discovery channel case boobs look like string beans when i bend over its like there is no more umpppf behind em just skin and that is it. Used to be a 42 dd now 34 b if i rollem up and slap em in the holster. Im thinkking 34 FULL c put some vavuuum wow into em :P~
anyways enough a bout me WHAT ABOUT YOU whats going on guys!!!

I am jealous of you. I want a tummy tuck so bad...
I am at goal. Been at goal since 8 mos post op... 275 - 150 (down 125 pounds)... Very happy about that.
Not sure about my biggest wow moment but probably fitting into my friends jeans that she had preop -- we both got in one leg (pics on my profile) -- And being able to wear a size 6... Never EVER can I remember wearing a size 6.
Lowest moment --- very low self esteem when I take off my clothes. I hate looking at this flab. Even though you cant see it when I am dressed.
Looking forward to a tummy tuck and a boob job. I want it so bad I can see these babies staring at me..
Hey there Deborah, and Congrats on your TT. I had surgery 10/25/04 and had a starting weight of 292. I am at goal, at 151 for a total loss of 141 lbs. I just had a tummy tuck, breast lift and augmentation about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I can hardly believe my eyes when I look in the mirror. It was all out of pocket, and it was the best money I have ever spent. I too may be able to wear a bikini after all. I am hoping to get new pics including before and after ps this weekend. I have had sooooooo many highs and lows on this journey of self discovery, that it would take days to list them all. My biggest wow...for the first time in my life, I really do like the way that I look, and can really feel like I am a worthy human being in this world. It may sound corny, but I have ALWAYS hated myself, and I'm soooooo glad that I don't anymore
I hope that everyone else out there is doing great, and that you have all found what you are looking for as well!!! Gina

I had surgery 10/12/04. I have lost 171lbs. I am not at goal which I am very sad about. I still have another 110lbs. but if the LORD helps me, I will reach my goals!!
lowest moment: a couple weeks after surgery and I couldn't stop crying because of the head hunger.
highest moment: reaching the century club back in feb. 2005!!!