Weight creeping back!!!
What is your daily food intake like? I just got on the scale after months of not checking and I have gained 7 lbs. I eat all day though. I pick pick pick at foods I should not even be touching! By the end of a typical day, I can finish off an entire tube of Ritz crackers, 1/2 box of goldfish, snack cakes, etc.
Soooooo, yesterday I kept track of my food with Fitday.com, and made GOOD food choices and exercised. Basically, I know I have to go back to the beginning and get tons of fluids in, eat my protein first and SLOW down!
I think tracking your food on Fitday is a great start - its amazing how calories can add up when you are mindlessly popping things into your mouth!
Good luck
I'm lucky I still get sick if I eat too much. Still can't eat more than a 1/4 piece of bread. I eat 1/2 cup total of solid food or up to 1 cup liquid per meal. I eat sliced deli meats, hamburger dishes. I do snack on candy minitures or suck on a hard candy. One is enough. I'm still losing. I have to watch that I drink enough liquids. I've gotten dehydrated 2X.
Victoria -
I started at 374. Got down to 207 and then gained back up to 212 myself. I can't seem to break through 207 and I'm so close to 199 I am drooling on it. I've hired a personal trainer to help me break through my plateau. But I also noticed that I had added back a bunch of crap to my diet. I was snacking on weigh****chers cup cakes and ice cream bars. While they are "healthy" or low point they were still adding unnecessary calories to my diet. My caloric intake had crept up to 1800-2000 calories and I was merely maintaining rather than losing. I've since dropped my calories to 1000-1400 and I've lost all but 2 of the gained pounds. I'm hoping to continue to lose and get down to my personal goal of 167. I haven't got that far to go. I've come to far to give up now.
So, make sure you drink your water. Keep your calories low and protein first. If you're not doing it, exercise. Cut out the snacking. You can do this!!!
It scares me sometimes at the amount that I can eat, and I feel that I eat to much sometimes. I found out on Thanksgiving this year that it was easy to put the weight back on. I gained 8 pounds then because of eating to much sugar free homeade deserts that I was making for everyone else. I have lost that plus more but can't help to think that it has kept me from reaching the actual goal that I wanted. I don't have any hunger at all anymore so I have really began to watch my food intake. The advice in another post is good. Watch your carb intake. Just because you can hold more may not be good to eat more. also there has been a fear for me that I might have stretched the opening of the pouch that goes into the small intestine, this will allow us to eat more.. I can eat a large salad from McDonalds and there are a lot of things that I can eat more of then I think I should. I have realized that I have to stay committed to watching what I put in my mouth. I try to maintain about 900-1200 calories daily and no more, and if I see that I haven't lost anymore weight or I am gaining then I cut back. Starving won't help I went on 500 calories and less for three weeks, and did not lose a pound. Since most of us are at 17 month post op our weight loss has incredibly slowed down. Don't get discouraged, don't give up, You can do it, and don't worry about how fast or slow that you lose, I have found for myself that I can become pretty obsessive with weighing myself, and then getting upset because the scales don't say what I want them to.
I had reached 145 lbs when the weight loss stopped (in December). I didn'****ch what I ate and the weight started piling on again. I got up to 156 lbs before I stopped myself, got back to basics with eating and started working out. I am now 143 lbs and it seems to be going well.
Don't lose faith. Start writing down what you eat. Make sure to eat protein first and add in some light exercise to your daily routine. I know it sounds harsh but after 18 months we really have to work at it and if I want to lose weight today I simply have to diet
Lap RNY 18/10/2004
323 lbs vs 143 lbs - It's a new leash on life