Even though its been 15 months I still can't eat much. 1/4-1/2 cup per meal. And it has to be well chewed. Sometimes a food will agree with me and another time it won't. And if it doesn't I end up throwing it up.
Sometimes this happens several times in a week. My surgeon always said if I have energy and look heathy, its okay. I'm not sure.
I've moved and wonder if I should bring this up to another doctor? Is this normal?

Hi Betty,
Same thing happens to me. I am also 15 months out. For instance I had some chili verde last night, had the leftovers today, same amount,, and BLECH, up it came. I don't really throw up, just heaves and I stick my finger down my throat to give myself some relief of that nausea feeling, just gagging and heaving makes me feel better, then it passes in about 30 minutes. This happens about 2 or 3 times a week,and I think it's just "normal", for me anyhow! LOL
Hugs to you.
I did bring it up with my medical doctor. She wasn't overly concerned but gave me Prevacid and suggested acid reflex. I looked it up and I think thats a correct diagnosis. It fits whats happening. I'm feeling a little better. Hopefully this med will help. I actually ate 2 chicken nuggets last night and didn't get sick. She wants me to not try eating 3 regular meals but go back to dividing it to 6 meals and chop my food more. We will try. Thanks
Once in a blue moon, I will need to throw up still. It seems that once I start, I'm more likely to do it again. (I once read somewhere that once the pouch has been "irritated" it's more sensitive, and that seems to make sense to me.) I will often eat the exact same thing several times (since I don't eat much each time) and 3 out of 4 times no problem --then bam. I don't know why. Maybe I chewed it one time less than I should have, maybe I ate it a tad too quickly? I never really am sure. All I know is that once I do throw up, I feel immediate relief. I don't get too worried about it, since it isn't as if I am unable to keep down my food on a regular basis. In an odd way, it is almost reassuring to me. Sometimes I fear that I'm getting too comfortable with my food, and this is a gentle reminder that the surgery is still working! --Hope that helps. Julaine

Hi Betty
I am still throwing up also, at least twice a day.....every other day. No matter what I eat. My surgeon is nowhere to be found and my PCP is horrible, every visit I end up at the ER paying a high co-pay.
I am having other issues but I know I am not alone. If I were you, I would seek another opinion, because I am sure, this isn't the norm.