Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you gorgeous "Skinny People!"
I am sorry I don't post very much..
But I really appreciate reading YOUR posts, and I read them all the time!
*How else can shy people (like myself) judge our PROGRESS?
By the way, I have lost 110 lbs in 14 Months, and have 40 more to go!
God Bless all of you!
I am Yours Truly,
Peter Anthony Roland - North Miami Beach Florida

Hi Peter! Havent talked to ya for awhile.
Congrats on your weight loss thus far - you are doing great!
In 14 months, I have lost 130 lbs ... keep going up and down with the same 5 lbs. Gain it, then lose it ... gain it, then lose it again ...... ugh! But, I need to get more exercise and water in ... I know I am not doing well with those things. So its my fault, I guess.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well!!!!!!!! (and everyone else in here!)
Have a blessed day!