Is this it?!
hello all,
Oct. 20th was my 1 year appointment with my surgeon and I left their quite disappointed. I was weighed and I currently weigh 315.7 pounds. That is a total of 136 pounds lost. I realized again that I have lost only 7 pounds since April. Not happy and wanted to cry. In any case, my surgeon said something that stopped me in my tracks. He actually said that I would probably be able to lose for another six months but not as easy as the previous six months. He also said that he was very happy with what I have lost and he would be perfectly happy if I didn't lose another pound!! Can you believe that?!! Here I am 5'5" and 315.7 pounds. I am still considered super morbidly obese and he is happy with my weightloss. I thought I would become physically sick. I feel so much better than a year ago but I get tired the same and I am still not able to do much exercising, so I know that I have a lot more to lose. I feel like such a failure and have been so discouraged for so long. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel as if I am going to have to start all over again and start at the basics. I pray that this isn't my final weight because I don't know what I will do!!!
The last thing you need right now is to beat yourself up over this. You have done an awesome job and should celebrate the changes you have made in order to have made it this far. If you want to lose more, just stick to the rules as best you can, and wait. I am sure it will come off. Don't be discouraged though. Just stick with it and be patient. This is easier said than done.
Are you able to attend any support group meetings? That might help you gain some friends that help you down this path. It's easier when you have someone by your side cheering you on.
You are going to be successful. Don't worry. All that negative thinking is going to weigh you down emotionally. I understand though because I do it too. Just try to see the good in the situation and celebrate that. Then everything else will seem better.
Good luck to you and God Bless you!

I have hit a platueas several times in the past four months and then lose 5 to 7lbs in a couple of weeks. This is common and you will continue to lose. When I hit a platuea I change up some things that i am doing ie. drink more water walk more(park farther from the mall or wherever I am going).I walk at work instead of driving our little company issued cart when time permits. The smallest things can make the biggest differences. I just hit 198lbs after being at 205 for three weeks so I understand how you can get discouraged. You will continue to lose just use your tool to your advantage. Hang in there and congrats on your loss so far.