Happy anniversary to me and all my October surgery buddies.
As I was taking a shower tonight, I was thinking of where I was 1 year ago (just coming out of surgery and in alot of pain
). Then I got to thinking of all the changes that have taken place as a result of the surgery. I'm sure all of us could list many different things but also many things we have in common. I can't resist listing just a few
1. I feel GREAT!!
I have more energy now than, I think, I ever
2. Food no longer has control of me. I have control of it. I still have to
work at it every day but I can do it now.
3. My self esteem has returned and as a result, I'm becoming the person
I've always wanted to be.
4. I don't get out of breath.
5. I fit into theater chairs, carnival ride seats, and "normal" people
6. I don't work up a sweat taking a shower and drying off
7. I can wear a swim suit and not be TOO embarassed.
8. I enjoy walking and no longer look for a parking place near the stores.
9. I enjoy shopping (and don't work up sweat trying on clothes
10. I don't work up a sweat over every little exertion.
11. I can reach places on my body I only dreamed about a year ago.
I think I've listed enough for now, but still need to mention the biggest change in the past year.
Ready ? ? ?
1 7 6 POUNDS
Congratulations to all of us,