Well my anniverary date is October 22! I started at 325 and am down to 185! OH MY GOSH! I am 5' 10" and on my 11 month anniversary I saw my surgeon and he said " well it's time to get ready for the tummy tuck now". He had originally told me I would probably be needing to get down to 160 lbs, but has revised that goal. He said I am really looking great and that if I lost a few more pounds that would be ok, but not to make an effort to do so. That my body will lose more if I need to lose it but if I stabilize where I am that would be ok and the abdominoplasty will probably take 15 or 20 pounds off (I've got lots of loose skin) and then I will be right where I need to be!! I am so happy with my weight loss, I started out at a size 28 /30 and today I put on a pair of size 10 jeans. (they are pretty snug, but I did not have to do anything special to get them zipped up!!) All my co workers are so proud of me and tell me how wonderful I look, younger, healthier, and "skinny" I can't remember ever feeling so good about how I looked as long as I have lived.!!!! well Happy Birthday to all of us, and best of luck to everyone, I wish on everyone the success that I have had! Dianne- I feel so