Hi Shelley,
Congratulations on making it to the Century Club!!! Isn't it awesome!!!
I may be assuming, but are you at goal??? I have gone from 309 on 10/11/04 to 185 today, 06/26/05!! My goal is 150 - I will be normal then - I just became overweight no longer obese with the last three pounds! My doctor said I should weight 125-130. I'll just have to wait and see.

I am 51 years old and I don't know if that would be a good weight for me. I am wearing 12/14 and some 8/10 pants now. How tall are you, if you don't mind me asking??
I haven't been this small in 0ver 20 years!! I was in a size 9 and weighed 115 at age 17 when I got married 34 years ago. My DH used to say he had three times the woman he married. He is sweet, but I think he is glad to have lost one of those three women!

Didn't mean to go on, and on, but I get so excited about the weight everyone loses!!
Christ's peace,

Connie (-124)