For me it was...
B - 1 jumbo shrimp wrapped in cheese and bacon
L - frozen low carb meatloaf with broccoli (I ate all of it which was kinda scary! 8oz meal)
D - jumbo shrimp again and 5 french fries
Water still not what it should be...48oz
infoquest on 2/16/05 7:21 am - North Oakland County, MI
B- 1 4oz. light cottage cheese & 2 Strawberries
L- 2 shrimps, couldn't eat the rest felt sick
S- 1 oz. cheese and 1 oz. roast beef
D- 4 home made meatballs, 2 tbls. rice and a 1/4 pc of banana
S- 2 pieces chocolate!!!
Water: 56 oz.