What did we eat yesterday??
I had..
B - 1/2 cup atkins triple berry cereal in 1/2 cup carb countdown 2% milk
S - beef jerkey
L - budget gourmet low carb creamy chicken with broccoli (ate 1/2)
D - 4 TBS homemade turkey chili on carb focus black bean and sour cream chips
S - popsicle (not sugarfree...badddd girl)
And one more snack.... 1 piece cheddar crumb coated low carb fish
I was really hungry yesterday....It's that time of the month and I always feel like I am starving! But I made pretty good choices I think except for the popsicle and even that only had 7 carbs so not too bad.
Water wasn't good....40oz
Hello, I had:
B- Atkins protein shake
S- Nuts w/ raisins 1 handfull
L- Pc of egg and cheese omelet
S- More nuts, 1 handfull
D- 1 chicken nugget from Wendy's and a piece of my sons chees burger (no bread)
S- 2 Sugar free pops
S- 1 oz. munster cheese (stayed up late and was wanting something)
Water: 36 oz.