How much protien?
I asked at a group meeting what our target protein intake should be. The nurse leading the program said "about 50 grams". The nutritionist for the same program had said about 60 some weeks previously. Maybe they all don't know either!
Where did the rule of thumb come from? It seems reasonable that the more you weigh the more protein you need ... I think ...
Hi Mary
My doctors program calls for us to get in at least 50g daily for women and 60g daily for men.
I use protein powder Amplify (GNC) w/skim milk so that gives me
20g for each scoop of powder and 8g from the milk. I have one in the AM and one in the early afternoon for a total of 56g, then I try to eat a nice pice of fish everyday either at lunch or dinner I really like the Tailipia it has 21g of protein for about 4 oz. of fish. That bumps me up to 77g of protein not counting any other food intake for the day.
I hope this helps anyone looking to get in their protein daily.
Good Luck to all!!
10.12.04 Start of my new healthier life!