I did not drink often pre-op and of course have not post op, but here's what I need your 2 cents on: My bday is Dec 26 and every year on my birthday I have always had one ****tail when I go out with my family....this year I had decided oh well, not this year. But I'm getting some different opinions about this. I'm just wondering if anyone has tried a ****tail or any alcohol in any amount yet...I DO know all the warnings and the absorbtion issues
, I'm just curious if anyone has an experience to share.
My surgery was 10/19/04 THANKS IN ADVANCE!

I have not tried alcohol yet but my Post Op Plan from my surgeron says,
"After 6 weeks, OCCASIONALLY, a small amount of alcohol may be tolerated. Avoid sweetened alcohol or mixers, carbonated beverages including beer (may be allowed to go flat), no more than one serving. One serving = 3 oz wine or 1 oz hard liquor. Remember that after your surgery, alcohol will be more quickly absorbed and it effects more pronounced."
I am sure you will get responses from posties that have had alcohol after surgery.
Take Care
Hi Lori,
We have the same surgery date! Yes, I have occasionaly imbibed. I have had wine both white zinfandel and blush. I also have had Absolut on ice mixed with crystal light(they sell the individual packets now that you can carry with you and mix with a bottle of water.) I have had no trouble, I just make sure that I order water with it. For each coctail I drank I also drank a 16oz. bottle of water.
That is my experience! Happy Birthday!
Thanks for the question because I was wondering about the answer myself, but did not want to sound like a lush
I did go out one night and drank a small bottle of Sutter Home wine, then I had a large glass of 1/2 water, 1/2 cranberry and vodka and later on had another glass of wine. Had to stop there because it started worrying me. It took me forever to drink all of that, about 5 hours. It did help clean me out the next day! I did not get drunk or feel woozy or anything. Have a Happy Birthday! Hope you get what you want
That is my daughter's birthday, too, she hates it! Mine is Jan 8 so I can relate!

At a Christmas party on Friday, I decided to treat myself to a white russian. Oh, I justified it....the milk was my protein :} Well...either I ate too soon after drinking that, or the food was just too much ( a little flounder, a cherry tomato, and a tiny sliver of roast beef)....but I had to leave the party and threw my guts up on the drive home. Probably not the best choice...should've opted for some wine, I guess. At any rate..next time I decide to treat myself, I'll be choosing something a little lighter :}