Yes I do live
Hello everyone,
sorry it took so long to post. The computer I use went down the night before my surgery.
I am two weeks out today and doing very well. I had my surgery on the 8th of this month and already I'm down 25 pounds. This is unreal.
I have learned what dumping is all about and hve desided if at all possible I never want to do that again. What a horrible feeling. I did it all but the upchuck part. I have to learn what I can eat and what doesn't agree with me. Can you beleave it the 2 times I have dumped I was trying high protien shakes.
Blessings to all, Barbara
I'm glad to hear that your surgery went well. I am concerned to hear that you had to experience dumping. Do you know why it happened while drinking protein shakes? My surgery is October 26th. I am very nervous but trying to remain optimistic. Good luck and contact me if you would like to share.
Good health to you,
Vicki H.
Congratulations on your loss! I had my surgery last monday the 18th, and my doc won't let me have any of the high protein shakes for 2 weeks, I am still on liquids for another week, and regular protein shakes, boost/ensure NOW I'm thinking I know why! Sorry to hear about the dumping, hope you feel better soon'
Blessings~Robin R