Surgery changed from 19 to 21st
Hi there peoples
well i had my surgery cancelled due to strike found out an hour ago that it was cancelled good news though its resceduled for FRIDAY!!! soooo I will be leaving to travel to moncton on thursday and being done on friday. From the first day i had my date the strike loomed over me sooo i couldnt really get the jitters or excitement cause deep down i knew it proly wouldnt happen with a strike going on and the strike didnt end till today!!! Sooo now the date on the 21st is a solid one and now im getting the jitters and nervousness but i know it is something i want to do. Please I can sure use words of support and good vibes I soo want this and i am sooo scared ill back out and do the chicken thing BOK BOK.
anywas thanks for listening and being there for the past month
You will never know how much you have helped me and how grateful I am to all who have helped sent words of encouragement or exchanged stories and information. I GREATLY appreciate this
kindest regards
deborah gale
nova scotia