Help and Advice from anyone with Health Net
Hello Everyone! It's Sophia B. , I'm new to this message board and was hoping to get some help and tips on getting approved through Health Net-through Motion Picture Industry Health Plan! I knew enough to not chose our Blus Cross option because they have a very firm exclusion for WLS, but now what are my next steps??
I live in Los Angeles and am getting switched to Health Net as on Nov 1st...So if anyone has a great Internist / General Practitioner that they could refer me to that has experience & success with getting their patients approved for surgery please let me know-I'm totally confused as to whether it's better to go with one of those surgery centers that are advertised or if it's better to go with a private doctor that can then refer you to someone--?? Also, has anyone here worked with UCLA's Bariatric Center? As you all can see, I don't know where to start! And I also don't want to waste anymore time ( I've only held off till now because I've been without insurance for the past 2 years-and of course ironically it has been in the past 2 years that i've done all the research on WLS and have come to terms with the fact that it is absolutly for me! I'm now finally covered and want to make all the right steps towards this goal of WLS! Please help)
Thanks so much everyone

I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of California PPO and they are paying for my Roux n y surgery. I live in Michigan and I am going to the Barix Clinic for my surgery. They have an excellent reputation and they have done everything for me. They communicated with the insurance company for the most part. I went for my consult on 8.17.04 and my surgery is this coming Tuesday 10.12.04. It has not even two months since I started. I would recommend checking into the clinics that specialize in this surgery because they know a little more... Some of these Dr.'s that are out there are just looking to make a quick buck... do your research... this is a wonderful site... you should have some luck here...
Good Luck!
I live in Delaware. I have bc/bs ppo and they are paying for all of the surgery that I had 10/4. My sister in law has bc/bs hmo and is only paying 80. The small out of pocket expenses for the health evalutions are nothing compared to the overall expense of the surgery. You should contact each insurance company first and ask how much of the surgery is covered. I almost changed to coventry to which I learned after I made a change did not cover so luckily I was able to change back to bc.
Hope this is any help,