What do I need to be doing?
Hi Robin,
My day is a day before yours!!! I've heard a lot of people get the Medic Id bracelets, requesting an endoscope (sp) instead of a blind tube in case of an accident. If they send a blind tube down, without knowing you have a pouch instead of a stomach, they may try and push the tube through when they feel resistance.
I haven't ordered one yet, but I will be wearing one! Better safe than sorry!!!!
I hope this helps!!! Good luck on your surgery!!!!!

Cleaning, organizing and more cleaning....I'm trying to take care of everything I can so my hubby can function. The poor guy is going to be a wreck, so I want to make life as easy as I can for him.
Also, buying some new slippers,a robe...cozy stuff to recouperate in. I also bought a Virtual Vacation DVD...it's just an hour or so of the California surf and beach shots. Very relaxing...