Tri care prime English and español

Vanessa @Nebraska
on 9/8/04 1:23 pm - NE
Hello people If some one here have tricare prime and already have the WLS please contact me and let me konw what to do. I have a referral from my family DR , but I feel lost in space. Nowfor my latinos friends Alguien que tenga Tricare prime que ya haya tenido la operacion por favor comuniquese conmigo. Ya mi medico de familia me dio un referido para ver el cirujano pero me siento perdida en el espacion. cuentenme como fue su situacion.. Gracias Thank you people
on 9/29/04 2:49 pm - Higley, AZ
I have Tricare Prime and so far the process has been fine. Once you get the referral from your doctor you pick the Doctor you want to have do your surgery. That doctor will submit for approvals for you to have your tests done, ( what ever ones you need ). If you are on a base, you can have your blood work drawn there and then take the results to your surgeon. Just remember that every thing that is done needs an authorization from Tric Care. They are pretty good about doing things providing that you call them first and make sure. they are very nice, so if you are confused, call Tricare and let them know what you are doing and how you should proceed. they will tell you what your doctor should be doing. Good Luck!
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