I got my date for October 19th
All the testing is done,
I got my date this morning, after being pre-approved by the insurance and having to switch Doctors' (I like the new one better). We are ready to have the lap-band done for the 19th of Oct.
I and my primary care physican started this journey last July, and had a date set with the other Surgeon, but the Insurance would not pay for the hospital stay and the procedure because it was so called out of network.
I think I got a better Doctor, and a better facility to have the procedure done at.
Good luck to all that have there's before me, I wish you speedy recovery time and would like to hear from you. And those who after Oct. 19th, I will share my tales with you

Congrats Jeff on your date. I just met someone who had the lap-band done and after just four days she was already out and about and feeling ok, but a little sore. She said she was extremely satisfied with the outcome and her decision to take the lap-band vs. the other route. So I wish you well on your journey and for all the good times to come...