thoughts of the unexpected
Today was the 6th birthday of my grandson Chritian David. And I was reminded why the WLS is necessary. I walked around sweating like an "oinker" all day. I had to keep reminding myself that by his 7th birthday I will be able to go swimming with him, and at least attempt to keep up with his energentic ideas.
I have three children, two adult that are on their own, and a 10 y/o at home. My youngest (Seth), has been keeping his eye on the calender for me. He asks questions like...."How much weight will you lose by Christmas?" or, "Will you go on all my field trips next year?"
I refuse to allow myself to think for too long about the unexpected, (complications or death). My Seth is soooo tender-hearted. He is my best friend and I am his.
My husband is in seminary, has a strong relationship with the Lord. I know all would be OK if something was to happen? But these sad thoughts get me sometimes. Ladies or gentlemen, any words of encouragement or how were you were able to deal with it when these tragic little thoughts crossed your mind? If you had them, how did you remove them?
Also your prayers are welcome,(of course).
Sally C.
Hello Sally, I think most of us have these thoughts. Right now I am miserable and my arthritis makes each day more miserable than the last. To what ever degree I get relief with this surgery, I will feel blessed. Whenever I start to worry, I make make a conscious effort to just let it go and turn it over to God. I have to take a chance that any complications I might have will be minimal. Also, if I do have any complications, I will deal with it as long as I do not have to drag all this weight around for the rest of my life, ever how long that turns out to be.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Hang on, there is much hope ahead.
Victoria F.
Hi Sally. Tragic moments have crossed my mind. But when I started this journey, I turned it over to the Lord. All the right doors have opened so I feel I am on the path He wants me to be. I am now very peaceful with my decision because I know I have His loving hands guiding me. Keep your chin up and your faith even higher! I will keep you and your dear family in my prayers
Love God,

I ponder the tragedy risk involved in this too and I'm not sure how I get thru it. I have a 2 year old son and I'm single. I know that if something happens to me, I want him to go to my parents but they will surely be tied up in a legal battle over it. Not to mention I don't even want to think of leaving my precious little boy. I have my will complete and I will write a letter to my son before the surgery. I, like Kimanne (sp.?) leave my faith with the Almighty in that he would not have led me this far on this journey if it wasn't meant to be. I pray often, acknowledging that He has a plan for all of us, but asking him "please don't take me on that table"'ve blessed my life in so many ways, and you gave me that wonderful little boy, please don't take me from him...but your will is what will be and I trust in only you. I am scared, being 5'1", 250lbs...but my only co-morbidity is high cholesterol so far. I battle feelings of selfishness, like I'm not big enough or severe enough to take this risk...I'm as lost as you are right now