36 and counting...
It is only 36 days until October! I can't believe how fast it is coming! Congratulations to all of us October babies! I love October, it is my favorite month! U2 has a song called October, the leaves turn beautiful colors, Halloween is in October, We Can wear big comfy clothes, October just kicks ass!!!!!!
October has always been my favorite month too! I love Halloween as well! You're right, we can wear big comfy clothes and show our scars like Frankenstein on Halloween
haha, just kiddin', but it would work eh?
Anyway, I just found this board tonight.. never knew it existed
so wanted to say hey to yall!
Love God,
Surgery Date: Oct 12,2004 Open RNY

October is great month My sons B-day is on the 20th of october
and I happen to get my date on the 22nd so we are gonna make this a great big celebration this year both for him turning 11 and for me to be on the losing side to share the rest of his and all of my other childrens B-day
in better health
I am really excited about all of this and I look forward to the future.