Its been 2 years today. at this moment 2 yrs ago I was getting all drugged up and scared out of my mind prior to my 8:00 am surgery time. I dont regret a thing. I am a success story. My interest in physical fitness I believe has been key througout my journey, and continues. I can run up to 4 miles now. I used to just run back and forth between the couch and the fridge! I will meet with my running group tonight. So many things have changed for me over the past 2 years.

Robert, Happy Rebirthday to you!!!
(sorry that's belated) My rebirthday will be on the 25th of this month, and I too have absolutely no regrets. Like you, I think that more than anything the exercise has been key. ( I am only up to running 3 miles now, but it still amazes me that I can do that) I remember reading back before that you were interested in becoming a personal trainer. I hope that you are still persuing that, as that will definitely keep your routine in check. I am always amazed and so happy to hear about people being soooo successful with and after their weightloss. Thanks for checking in and letting us know how you are doing, and much continued success and best wishes to you in the future!!!
start 292lbs. now 152 lbs.
total loss of 140lbs.

WAO! Congratulations in your transformation.
I just came back from my extended Holiday vacation with my family. I took the opportunity to inform them of my decision to pursue WLS on 2007... and it was shocking to realize they did not support my decision at all. Reading your profile was what I needed to re-focus and maybe some day have an after picture I can be proud of as well.
Congratulations again!