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Frvsnt O.
on 7/12/04 3:16 am - AK
Topic: RE: Bye Bye Bubble Butt!!!
Isn't that cool! The only thing is that the reason why our hips might hurt is we've spent so much time sitting on one cheek OR the other that we've thrown them out of adjustment. HELLO CHIROPRACTOR!!!
on 7/11/04 10:20 pm - Dallas, TX
Topic: RE: July roll call
Tanya, I definitely know the feeling of shopping and finding smaller sizes. I had my first experience in Foleys and found myself in a medium skirt. I was smiling all the way to the register to make my purchase and the cashier complimented me on my smile and then asked what made me smile and seem so happy. I TOLD HER THE WHOLE STORY!!! She was so excited for me. Anyway, I have gone from 276 pounds before surgery to 186 pounds (90 pounds loss). Currently size 14 is too big and size 12 is a bit snug so I'm kind of in a weird spot at the moment. However, I can wear a size 9 in skirts (weird!) and I wear mediums. I am so fascinated with the fact that I am so sucessful with the surgery. The 4th of July weekend I went out and got myself a trainer and joined 24 Hour Fitness. This was the best thing that I could have done. My trainer has been very motivating and supportive and because my eating is limited she has me eating every two hours (very small meals). She says this will help get me to 1200 calories and will keep my metabolism up and burning. Because I'm getting ready to really hit the weights and I'm already doing intense cardio 7 days a week, we are working hard to get my calorie intake up to 1200. Who would have ever thought that I would be working out 7 times a week and loving it. I have my college homecoming coming up in October, so that has me motivated too! To all- congrats on your blessed success. Take care and God bless!
Pamela M.
on 7/11/04 10:00 pm - Grand Blanc, MI
Topic: RE: Bye Bye Bubble Butt!!!
Oh my goodness, Karen.... that explains a lot! I've been wondering why my tailbone has been hurting me so much lately. My hips are also hurting a lot. But, whenever I sit, I have to sit on one butt-cheek or the other because it hurts my tailbone to sit straight. I never even thought of it being because i've lost weight in my hind-end! LOL But, I'm with you... it's worth it!! Thanks for the insight! Pam PS: Now I just have to figure out why my hips hurt in the middle of the night and in the morning.
Happy 2.
on 7/11/04 5:39 pm - Suisun/Travis AFB, CA
Topic: Bye Bye Bubble Butt!!!
I have been known as Bubble Butt since I as about 12 years old. That is no longer the case. My butt has deflated. I am now part of the "Flat Butt Club". The only problem is my tail bone hurts when I sit too long. I have never had problems with it in the past. Church is a killer. I got my hair highlighted yesterday and had to keep changing cheeks to stop the hurting. It's still worth it all. Karen
Peter A.
on 7/11/04 3:32 pm - Elyria, OH
Topic: RE: July roll call first time in the "October" club forum. I had my surgery on Halloween Day, so I'm just "barely" a member (also describes my dress as I type this at 1:30 AM EST....LOL) I had been scheduled for 11/7, but got a call on 10/30 asking if I could come on Halloween Day. I said yes without hesitating. I was 320 plus...have had no complications, and am under 200 for the first time in 20 years...maybe 25. I look better, and feel great (ladies.....LADIES ONLY.....the line to feel forms to the right....LOL) Pete Elyria, OH
on 7/11/04 5:38 am - Nashville, GA
Topic: RE: Best and worst
THE BEST: Knowing that i will never be "that" big ever again. I hated having to deal with all the crap that people tossed my way just because i was MO. THE WORST: Watching the world continue to be so prejudice toward MO people. It totaly sucks when they expect me to join in their trampling of some MO person with cut downs and the "talking behind there back". I always suspected it was going on... now I know the truth... OUCH!!! Judy
Tanya T.
on 7/11/04 5:00 am - mesa, az
Topic: RE: July roll call
God Judy yo sound like you ae doing wonderful! Congrats girl you deserve it. I have not consulted with a ps yet because I still have around 65 pounds to go but I think I will when I am maybe 20 pounds from goal. I have not tried alcohol as I never liked it before and have no interest now. I have no interest in soda since that is my major problem before surgery. Good luck at your DH's celebration. Tanya -113
on 7/11/04 1:35 am - Mt Bethel, PA
Topic: RE: July roll call
Hi All, Congrats on your losses! You are all doing so well! I have lost 88-90 lbs since my consult with my surgeon. I can wear misses size 16 pants and XL tops. I just bought my last outfit at Lane Bryant's (they were having a sale), size 14 capris-smallest they sell! I was at Old Navy, just looking, and saw that they have clothes that are actually too big for me. I could have been shopping there awhile ago! People are starting to notice my weight loss and complimenting me on it! That feels good but also a little weird. I'm continuing the counseling with my psychologist and I feel we are making progress into helping me understand why I turned to food for love and support. I am learning to love myself! I continue to go to Curves 3 times a week and 30-45 minutes each time and walk 2-4 miles every day. I still have issues with looking at pictures of me, I feel so skinny but think I look so fat in my pictures. I put clothes on and think this feels tight, look in the mirror and think that doesn't look too bad, see it in a picture and think it looks baggy! Carol Beck
on 7/10/04 10:07 am - Nashville, GA
Topic: RE: July roll call
Ahhh ... October Budd's, Isn't life grand? Everyone of you are doing great! I am getting there. I lost another 5 pounds this month. Now I am less than i have been in 25 years. I have lost a total of 87# since WLS on 10-13-03. I now weigh 146# and am in a firm size 10 with some 8's. I am still wearing my 14-12 baggies as it is summer and all i do is hang out at the house with the kids. I am going out next week to start my shopping for the work wardrobe I will need when school starts back in August. This summer has flown by. We just returned form the Pepsi 400 race in Daytona. I had a wonderful time parading around on my hubbie's arm. He is so proud of me now and i am to. We went to Wet and Wild in Orlando... LOL. Yep, me in a bathing suit IN PUBLIC! LMAO... I had to ask DH if everything was "covered". He just grinned. I had a great time. Question for ya'll: When are you going to start getting stuff in line for PS? I know/read one of you has an insurance issue and must do it before January, but how about the rest of you? I am hoping for next summer at the end of May for a TT and Lift. I also think i want some sort of work on my neck and eyes. I am not normaly into this kind of thing[PS]... i don't wear make-up much and the lot, but i figured what the heck if the insurance will pay to give me a "flat" tummy and fix what years of abuse have done to the girls i will go for it. I haven't tried alcahol yet or soft drinks. Have you? I am afraid i will dump on the sugar in the mix for the drink. Any suggestions? I would love to go have a drink with DH for a celebration he is going to next week. Judy 10-13-03 233/146/130 16# to goal!!!!!!!!!!
Tanya T.
on 7/10/04 9:40 am - mesa, az
Topic: Two Dr Appts
Hi all it me again, Well I got the results back from the blood work done and all is fine. I am feeling slightly better but hope soon I will feel wonderful. I went to see my surgeon also and everything is fine there also. I was glad to see that I had not lost any muscle this month and lost only fat. Yea for me considering the walking zombie I have been for the last two months. So I will hang in there and hope that my thyroid levels out and that I start to have all of the energy I have been hearing about. You lucky dogs!! Tanya -113
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