Too many Tumors!!!

Been there. Done that.
Shortly after RNY surgery I developed an anal fissure along with hemmorhoids (just ordinary not thrombosis type thank goodness). The fissure is a tear, hurts horribly, and for me and most people won't heal. Surgery means reducing the effciency of the sphinter muscle by cutting it slightly.
This allows the fissure to heal. It has side effects though. I'll let you google search anal fissure for all the fun news. I went through all the other options prior to surgery but nothing worked. The pain was, well...
memorable, before the surgery allowed the fissure to heal.
After that healed, I had a hemmorhoid surgery. He didn't cut or simply puncture my hemmorhoids, but instead "installed"
in place a stainless steel ring of staples. Think that over for a while. I wonder if I can go through an airport metal detector now. Ha!
No problems since and I just have to live with the difficulty of retaining "gas" Thank goodness I'm a man and people aren't surprised by a "gassy" man!

"HOLY BUTT HOLES" Joe! I'm laughing what's left of my hind end off! I do this only because I can actually laugh at my own painful situation. A ring of staples!! OMG!!! I have been too terified to actually look down south since this last episode on Tuesday. The friggin tumor was aughful enough to view, now I wonder exactly how much is left of my "end zone" to view. I know I still have something down there because it still hurts like a motha!
Jane...thank you so much for posting too! You're always so supportive. I guess if I just don't have enough turmoil, I need to find ways to get it goin' on. I have a court date on 4/12. It's with the magistrate, not the judge. Kinda weird. The upside is he's the "Moms Magistrate" so hopefully things will be good for me. I'm not holding my breath because I have always been pulled through the ringer with Son of Satan.
Thanks for the input guys and gals and thanks for letting me share.