vitamin question?
Can you all tell me what your vitamin routine is? I have moved from my surgeon and now I am so tired all the time. They did a blood work up and my iron is at 14 and he said it should be at 30. He told me your body can only handle 1000mg of b12 a month. My surgeon had me taking that much a day. I would love to hear what everyone else is doing. HELP. Thanks! Ellen
Ellen, I too have a prob with low iron. I take the following:
mulit vit
along with my anti inflamitory and my Welbutrin (keeps me from being a *itch!!!)
All these make me so sick I could
but my levels are doing great and I am feeling pretty good.
Good luck,

My bloodwork has remained within normal limits continually. My last blood test was a quarterly test performed three weeks ago.
I'm doing fine with the following:
Daily upon rising:
Two (2) Chewable Flintstones or Land Before Time
Two (2) Tums Calcium Tablets
Monday Mornings at Work
One (1) 1000mg sublingual B12
But then maybe its just a guy thing.

My blood tests have always been great. Here is my routine:
2 Centrum Chewables each day
1 tbs. liquid magnesium/calcium (from GNC)
1 dropper of liquid b-12 (from GNC)
1 niferex (iron capsule..prescription)
Hope you get things straightened around!! B-12 is the one thing I make sure I get. I remember how much of an energy boost is was when I first started it following surgery!
Hi Ellen!
This is my vitamin schedule:
Every morning I take one Centrum Silver. I take 3 - 4 Viactiv calcium chews spread out through out the day. Before bed, I take a prescription iron pill. Once a month, I give myself a B-12 shot, 1000mg.
I have tons of energy since the surgery. If I go a day or two without the iron pill, I feel very fatigued. So, I make sure that I take it evey night. I'm not sure, but I think that too much of the B-12 is very dangerous. Just as dangerous as not having enough. You might want to get a second opinion about your vitamins, especially the B-12. Good luck! Your weightloss Buddy, Jane

This is going to sound simplistic.
One Flintstones chewable, three times per day with meals.
Two Viactiv, one in the morning, one in the evening.
Two B-12, 1000 mg, twice a week -- Monday and Friday mornings.
I was really exhausted for a bit, until I was told to take my regular multi-vitamin ONE HOUR BEFORE the calcium -- don't take them together, because calcium can bind the iron and it won't do you any good.
My blood work is fine, and I feel pretty good.
my nutritionist and surgeon advised as follows (DAILY):
1 b12 sublingual (or you can do a shot 1x month)
2 chewable Flinstones (chewable is preferred so it will dissolve easier)
2 Calcium CITRATE (citrate dissolves better than carbonate in our new pouch)
1 Iron - chelated (pronounced Key-Lated) This form of iron is better digestible for our pouch.
1 C - chewable.
Other Notes:
It is all about dissovling in time to be benificial. To test your pills put it in a cup of room temp water. Time for 20 min. If it is then dissolved your body will benefit from it.
B12 - you can not O.D. on so I take every day just to be in the habit. Although my nutritionist said I could get away with only taking it once or twice a week. But my theory is why *****e on a few pennies a day. If I take it everyday it is a habit and I'm less likey to forget. Our new stomaches can't process b12 out of food anymore.
I hear of so many post ops who have iron problems. Once the iron levels go down they are VERY hard to get back up.
Good luck. Vitamins/Minerals are so important to everyone - but to us even more so now.